Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 23 -

Fall is here! And in Texas that's marked by the opening of the Texas State Fair, pumpkins everywhere, and the Texas Rangers competing for a spot in the baseball playoffs.  We hit two of the three this week, starting out at the Dallas Arboretum where Brady got to see all kinds of different pumpkins and exhibits in the Pumpkin Village.  The arboretum was just beautiful in the colors of fall.  Later we met Suzy’s work group for a Rangers game.  The loud noise was a little overwhelming for Brady so we left in the seventh to get him home to bed.  And while the Rangers disappointingly lost to the Angels 7-4, Brady got his very 1st baseball. 

Last weekend was family day at Daddy’s work.  We got to tour the facility and labs and eat some good BBQ.  Daddy did a demo at the track and we took a family picture with the SMSS vehicle.  We’re so proud of Daddy and all the things he has accomplished!  We also did family date night at a drive in movie theater complete with speakers, popcorn, and a dead battery jump.  We watched Trouble with the Curve (Clint Eastwood) and The Campaign (Will Farrell). 

Brady had a great week, and finally no one was sick!  He started baby food this week eating a jar of apples, sweet potatos, and squash.  He really liked the sweet potatos and squash and is getting better at eating from a spoon (vs just pushing it back out his mouth with his tongue).  Mommy is looking forward to making her own baby food and bought some things to blend this weekend.  We also started feeding him from his high chair.  Just like his car seat he doesn't enjoy being strapped in but once he realized food was involved he settled in.  When you call his name he turns to look at you, he’s so smart!  We can tell he’s growing and getting “taller” as today he’s in a smaller 6-9 month Rutgers onesie.  He’s getting better with overall coordination, passing his soft blocks hand to hand (usually with a stop in his mouth first), and he can sit up unsupported for a second or two before toppling over.  He still loves us to sing him songs and cuddling with Mr Squirrel for a nap.  Once he got over his cold we moved him back to his crib and he’s sleeping through the night.  Now that he’s on semi-solids, his poop is getting thicker, darker, and smellier.  We know this is just the beginning.  He doesn't have any teeth yet, but he has 2 bumps on the bottom front and one bump on his upper left.  He has clamped down once or twice when he’s eating, looks like we’ll have to figure out a way to teach him NOT to do that.  Next week we’re sending him to school with rice cereal so he can add a mid morning snack to his daycare routine.  He’s growing up too fast already!

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