Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 21 -

Sick again, 3rd time in 6 weeks. Mom and Dad were called at work to pick up Brady at daycare because he had a fever (first time we were called).  His temperature fluctuated all night and the next day between 99 deg and 101 deg.  We took him to the pediatrician and after swabbing his nose he was diagnosed with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and double ear infections. After giving him some baby amoxicillin for the ear infections and an albuterol mask to help reduce the swelling in his lungs and let him breathe easier our little guy got some relief.  Dad and Mom didn't get much sleep this week getting up all hours of the night to help ease Brady's coughing.  We recognize most kids get this before the age of 2, but it's starting to make us rethink this daycare thing.  One good thing that came out of all of this is that Brady weighed in at 13 lbs 1.5 oz so he's gained over 1 lbs in 3 weeks!

While RSV got Brady down later in the week, earlier in the week he got to watch his first Patriots game watching them beat the Tennessee Titans 34-13.  He liked watching all the action on the big screen and got to wear his Brady jersey from his Uncle Paul.  Go Pats!  He also had rice cereal for the second time and seems to be getting the hang of sucking down food on a spoon.  And even though he was sick, he still gave us his signature smile, he's such a handsome little guy.

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