Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 14 -

Brady had some gassy nights this week and had a hard time sleeping.  He was also fussy during his evening feedings.  His bowel movements have been less frequent and more green since the trip to Maine, and we were still a little concerned that he wasn't putting on weight (he still wears his 0-3 month clothes).  We called the pediatrician.  She told us not to worry about the poop color as long as it's yellow or green.  She recommended gas drops or gripe water, but not more than 3x/day, if the gas persists.  We also consulted a friend and lactation consultant.  We modified Brady's night time feedings to stop if he gets fussy.  And we try to get to bed earlier so Brady isn't over tired.  We never tried the gas drops, but with the other methods the problem seems to have cleared.  He appears to be eating better at night, pooping more regular (and lighter yellow or green), and resumed gaining weight.

His hand eye coordination is really developing.  He reaches for things and pulls them in, studying both his hands and the object he grabbed.  He will hold his hands together in front of him, studying them, and pull them into his mouth. He has a strong grip and can hold his Kermie or a ball with one or both hands.  He still sucks his thumb and prefers his left 95% of the time.  In addition to the exersaucer, we put him in his bouncer this week.  He likes pushing off with his feet and chewing on the rim, but hasn't really started playing with the toys on it.  He still drools and babbles a lot.  He seems more aware of his environment and those around him.  Out at dinner one night, he turned to look at a waitress pouring ice water.  He also watched something flap in the breeze about 5 feet in front of him, tracking it blowing around with his eyes. If you support him, he can sit up and hold his head up.  If he's lying on his back and you hold his hands, he will start to pull himself up.  He'll be mobile soon.

Mom is still getting back into work.  Early in the week it was hard, lots of deadlines and not a lot of motivation to make it a priority.  But she did work out a schedule of working and pumping.

Mom and Jeff came to visit for the week.  They have been attending the Freedom Works events in town.  Brady loves seeing his grandma, playing with his toys, being rocked, and doing his "exercises".  We're really glad our family gets to see Brady growing up, even if they live far away.  Maybe someday soon we won't be so far away.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 13 -

Mom, Dad, and Brady survived their first week apart.  For Mom, the biggest challenge being back at work was getting on the Mother's room schedule and getting less sleep (can't nap at work).  The start of the week was a little rough too, not because we had to drop Brady off at daycare, but because Indy got sick ALL over the house.  That was not fun to come home to Monday and Tuesday night.  Poor Daddy stayed up late cleaning and shampooing.  And Mom's part time request was denied by HR.  There's still hope, but it may require a change in job responsibilities (may not be a bad thing).

We've started to establish a daycare routine.  At first we didn't know how much milk to send with Brady, it was hard to judge because of the breastfeeding.  And Daddy got a little worried about Brady's weight.  Using the home scale it looked like Brady lost one pound since the previous week.  We increased the bottles to four 4oz bottles (total of 16oz).  We also gave the daycare some extra to freeze, just in case.  Dad drops him off around 7:30am while Mom picks him up at 5:15pm.  This was our off-Friday week, so Mom and Dad took Brady to daycare and had a little mid-afternoon date (saw Batman).  

Brady has already picked up some new tricks at daycare.  He likes looking at the hanging play mirror and got to try the exersaucer.  He loves pushing with his legs and gets stronger everyday.  He can now stand up under his own weight, but can't balance just yet.  And for the first time, he reached for a toy and played with it all on his own.  It was one of those toys that velcros around the handle of the car seat.  While sitting in the car seat he grabbed it and turned it over and over examining it.  It was so cool!  And one night after we brought Brady home from daycare, we were making dinner so put him down in his play yard.  A little while later we noticed he was asleep - no holding, soothing, or walking him required.  It's so fun to see our little guy grow!  Can't believe he's 3 months old today.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mom survived her first day back to work.  Some things are still very much the same as when she left, while others are different.  Doesn't sound like her part-time request will get approved, so we may have to consider other options.  Meanwhile Brady seems to be doing well at daycare and we get daily activity sheets showing when he slept, when and how much he ate, and when he had his diaper changed. And he's already started sign language!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 12 -

Brady had a tough start to the week.  He was fussier than normal and nursing or thumb sucking wouldn't console him.  It seemed more related to digestive troubles as the fussiness would end after one or two big poops.  Mom nursed him a lot then he slept for what seemed like a day.  By Wednesday afternoon he was back to normal. Not sure if that was a growth spurt, a bad case of re-flux and gas, or just recovering from vacation.

While Brady would smile and squirm before, this week he started giggling out loud.  It's hilarious and we're happy see our son so happy.  He's also started pushing up to stand on his legs and we have to be careful or he will literally jump out of your lap. The other day he had a 20 minute staring contest with his feet, like he was trying to figure out what to do with them.  Unless he's tired he holds his head up on his own, although still a little wobbly.  Daycare started this week and we're sure he'll learn new things to do watching the other little kids.

Today marks the end of Mom's maternity leave and it's back to usual on Monday.  One of the best and most unexpected rewards of motherhood is bringing families closer.  Not only our little family, but our larger northeast family as well.  It's nice to see people reconnecting and strengthening their relationships.  Motherhood is also hard, it has many physical demands that we did not expect.  The demands will evolve as Brady grows, and we will have to adapt and provide.  But as we've heard so many parents say, it's all worth it, and we agree.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today Brady started daycare.  Mom and Dad dropped him off.  Mom was doing ok until she heard him crying in the infant room, then came the tears.  He was so small compared to the other kids.  We got to meet Angie the mom of a 13 month old girl, she's also an Arlington police officer.  Mom stayed about 10 minutes but had to leave so she and Brady wouldn't cry anymore.  Mom's glad she had the last two days after vacation to prepare.  Her and Brady got to spend their last day together home watching a special on Animal Planet about giraffes.  Brady really liked the giraffes.

Brady did great at daycare.  He eat, napped, and pooped.  He got to meet all 3 of his teachers and the other kids in the daycare.  His favorite activity was laying on the boppy pillow looking at his play mirror.  And he ate all his food, even the extra 3oz we sent with him.  He won't be the youngest kid for long, another little boy starts in two weeks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 11 -

Vacation week! We flew with Brady to Boston for a weeks vacation in NH and Maine.  Thanks to the advice of friends we nursed him on takeoff and landing and once in-between and he wasn't fussy at all.    He laid on the boppy pillow looking at the overhead lights, directTV, and people walking by.  He didn't sleep much on the plane.  Cabin pressurization must be good for the infant digestive system allowing Daddy to try out the changing table in the lavatory (and thankfully we had a spare outfit).  JetBlue was a lot of fun to fly, including free bags, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and about 10 different free snacks to choose from.  The pilot on the flight to Boston gave Brady a JetBlue souvenir card for his first flight.

Vacation was just what we needed. Brady got to meet many of his relatives including his great-grandmother, Uncles, and Mom's Aunts and Uncles.  He also got to meet some of his Mom's friends from high school.  Brady took his first "dip" in the lakes dipping his toes in Little Squam Lake (NH) and Cupsuptic Lake (ME).  Poor guy cried both times!  But after the shock of cool water, he was okay with it.  The weather was outstanding and the uncles made the most of it waterskiing and tubing in Maine.  Daddy did great learning to drop a ski and slalomed for the first time!  It was great to have all the family get together and Brady enjoyed cuddling and rocking with his Grandmas.

While Brady would suck his thumb occasionally before, this week he was sucking it all the time!  Doesn't look like we'll have much need for the binkie anymore.  He also likes to hold his shirt, your shirt, or a blanket while he's sucking his thumb (just like his Uncle Erik used to do).

Brady's Grandma Reggie gave him a couple books on infant sign language - we can't wait to read up and practice!  He'll be able to learn and practice sign language at daycare.  Daycare starts next week!