Sunday, September 7, 2014

Parker 17 Weeks

Parker and Brady have taken well to their new rooms both sleeping through the night.  Parker always manages to flip over onto his belly and squirm himself into the corner, getting cozy holding the edge of his sheet and sucking his thumb.  Brady woke one night saying he fell out of bed which was right after Daddy got off the phone with a buddy whose son was also calling him.  The life of a Dad.  All that remains is to put up the finishing touches (decor, curtains) and the rooms will be finished.

Parker had a bit of a rough week getting his second round of vaccinations, not eating well at daycare (only drinking 3 of 4 bottles two days), then going into the weekend with a low grade fever (100.2 deg).  We're trying to keep him hydrated and rested so he feels better soon.  Despite that he has officially transitioned to size 2 diapers.  Developmentally we've started giving him teethers and for the first time this week we saw him pass an object between his two hands.  He also loves reading his mirror books before bed, laughing and smiling at his or mommy's face.  It's the little things :)

Brady is so much fun and has so much energy.  He loves to play games with his food, sing songs (or combinations of songs), jump on furniture, run around like a race car or motorcycle, and play with his trucks.  This week he took a real interest in one of his puzzles helping Mommy find the pieces and put it together.  Usually he doesn't have the patience to finish puzzles.  He's also a great helper and so polite.  He says his pleases and thank yous, and is always willing to help Mommy pick up bottle caps or blankies that fall on the floor when Mommy's hands are full with Parker.  Brady has also picked up a few new phrases, some we like and some we don't, such as that's the biggest "ever ever" (cute) or Mommy/Daddy "I can't" (not cute).  

Every day we feel so lucky to have two wonderful boys!

A quick family trip to the FW Zoo

The 1st week of football season - Go Pats!

Hanging out with Mom and Dad

Look Mom no hands! 

 Cozy in his favorite crib nook

 Playing together


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