Saturday, September 20, 2014

Parker Weeks 18 & 19

It's been a busy two weeks!  Last week the boys got a special treat with a visit from Uncle Paul.  Uncle Paul was working in Austin and made the trek up to Arlington to see his nephews and spend the night. Parker gave him lots of smiles, and Brady had a lot of fun playing with his Uncle.  Uncle Paul also proved to be the lucky charm that helped the Patriots secure their first win of the season over the Vikings. Our fantasy football teams did not have the same luck.

The boys continue to show Mom and Dad how much they are growing up every day.  Parker has had a great couple of weeks increasing to four 5oz bottles (total of 20 oz) at daycare.  He's so squirmy and getting much stronger.  He likes to push his feet on the chair when nursing which is not fun for Mom.  He also appears to be teething (already!?) as we can see two white spots on his lower gums, everything goes into his mouth, and he is constantly drooling.  It will be soon!

Brady continues to surprise us with how much he understands, remembers, and can do by himself.   This morning he told Mommy he's a big boy and stirred his hot milk and screwed on the lid all by himself.  He's also so sweet.  When Mommy went in to wake him up, she tickled him a little and he told her no, just hugs and kisses.  Love this kid!

Mommy caught a stomach bug this week so she's been trying to take it easy, keep hydrated, and slowly get back into eating regular food (and not just crackers).  This wasn't how she planned to drop lingering baby weight.  Daddy has been a champ taking care of Mommy and the boys making sure everyone is fed, clean, and sleeping through the night.  

Fun with Uncle Paul

Wake up snuggles

Pre-bath storytime

Go Pats!

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