Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 4 -

Wow, Brady will be 1 month old on Sunday!  Brady is enjoying his new swing (and so are his parents, our arms needed a break).  Today Brady did something he'd never done before - find an object and put his mouth on it.  It was a one of the soft blocks in his play yard which he discovered and gummed on for a while. His arms aren't coordinated enough to hold it there, but he kinda knocked it toward his mouth (probably accidentally). He is finding his thumb more often, still manages to give himself hickies on his arms on occasion, and seems to have gotten enough control of his arms to no longer pull his own hair and wake himself up screaming from a nap.  He has a bit of baby acne so we wash his head, face, and neck with baby soap and water every morning.  We're trying new sleepwear to help with nighttime gas.  We started with the swaddle pod until he outgrew that, then went to the swaddleme which we think was too tight on his tummy, to the sleepsack which seems to be working.  The sleepsack is a wearable blanket which doesn't put pressure on his tummy keeping him warm and allowing him to poop in the night.  Uncle Erik flies into town tomorrow for the weekend, time to break out the Corona!

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