Sunday, May 13, 2012

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day today!  My boys got me cards, a beautiful yellow orchid, and breakfast in bed.  I also met my 2 goals for the day - to drive again for the first time in 3+ weeks and to go on our first family walk to the park with the stroller.  Brady continues to grow.  This may be the last week he can wear his going home from the hospital outfit (Baseball) and Ralph Lauren newborn PJs.  We also had to move his straps up a notch in his car seat.  Brady, don't grow up too fast!!! (sniffle, sniffle)

Happy mother's day to all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers out there!!! And thank you to my awesome family for making my day special, I am very lucky to have you all in my life!

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