Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 2 -

This week the Seminara’s were in town.  Jennie was here early in the week, and Dave and Nancy came midweek.  They have been a big help keeping up with the cooking and cleaning and helping Gary finish projects outside.  Looks like it’s going to be a hot summer in Texas, we already broke the 90 deg mark and it’s only the first week of May!

We are settling into our new role as parents.  Brady continues to nurse well and grow, developing the signature chubby cheeks and double chin.  His diaper tabs don’t overlap as much anymore and he’s finally starting to grow into his newborn clothes.  He has started cluster feeding between 9pm and 1am where he gets fussy and wants to eat every 45min to 1hr and only eats for 10-15min at a time.  These make long nights for Mom and Dad!  The flip side to all this eating is all the pooping.  Our baby has some LOUD poops!  He wakes up, puts on the scowl face, and fills his diaper.  Yesterday he managed to poop from his changing table over 4ft to the wall!  Gary is impressed.  Developmentally, he is more awake during the day (~3-4hrs), has started sucking on his fingers for self-soothing, and while it takes him a few minutes he can roll over on his side from his back.  He also lost his umbilical cord stump (day 11) and plastibell ring (day 13) this week.  At 10 days old we had his newborn photos taken.  He did well during his photo shoot…mostly.  He was asleep for the first couple shots then woke up and did NOT like the flash.  Thankfully the photos came out precious, can’t wait to send out the birth announcements!

As for us parents, we get sleep when we can and we’re starting to get into a routine.  Poor Gary had to go back to work this week but was able to get approved to work part time from home.  My first postpartum doctor visit went ok, it appears I’m healing well.  Oddly they seemed more concerned with birth control than healing.  And with all going on with the baby, appointments, and visitors, Gary and I almost forgot about my birthday.  Jennie and Nancy were great, they made us dinner and celebrated it with a rich chocolate mousse pie, yum!  We took advantage of the free baby sitting and made our first trip out without Brady (to Walmart).  We also took Brady out for his first restaurant experience at Pappas Burgers - he slept through the whole thing. And he got his first at home real bath, cried the whole time!  Dave and Nancy caught it on film.  Until next week...yawn, we're off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute!!! Sounds like all is going well! So happy for you guys.
