Friday, May 11, 2012

Week 3 -

More developments this week.  At 19 days old Brady began to SMILE! :) It's such an awesome and rewarding feeling after all the feeding, diapering, and cleaning. He also started getting some gas, which takes him a little time to pass. We try to help him by burping him intermittently during feedings and massaging his belly.  He had a 4am spit up that required us to change the sheets, and a subsequent diaper blow out, but he did feel better!  His muscles continue to get stronger.  This week he started to focus more on people's faces, pictures on the wall, and his mobiles.  We can also put him on his belly and he'll pick up his head and can almost roll over from his stomach to his back (checkout the video).

We celebrated another birthday this week - Grandpa Dave's birthday was May 10th.  Nancy made a pot roast and apple pie.  It was delicious and our house smelled amazing!  We also had a Skype party with the Muzzey family at Great Grandma Muzzey's house.  Thanks to Aunt Rose and Aunt Diane for setting it up!  It was great seeing everyone.  Can't wait to bring Brady up and introduce him in person.

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