Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Parker 51 Weeks - Last Week as a Baby

Turning 1 year old officially marks the end of the baby phase, and the start of the toddler phase.  Mommy is happy yet sad to see her baby growing up, but she's going to enjoy this last week!  Parker is growing like a weed.  He has really taken to his soy formula and we've found that he loves eating meat.  His favorites seem to be chicken, hamburger, and lamb.  Steak and pork are still a little tough to chew when you only have a few teeth.  Hope to try fish soon.  He also seems to like any kind of fruit, most veggies (including broccoli), but doesn't seem to like pasta.  We continue to offer him a spoon and he has figured out how to get the spoon in his mouth occasionally but not always with food. He also loves drinking water from water bottles.  Speaking of water, we have caught him drinking bath water from one of his toy cups, silly boy.  He enjoys eating dinner with his family from the high chair or portable high chair and watching big brother.  He's getting braver on his walker even lunging toward Mom or Dad.  And he likes to stand hands free when leaning against the couch or shelf, what a big boy!  He is definitely putting on more weight gaining more chunk in his face and (finally) moving up to size 3 diapers.  He's reached the phase where it's almost impossible to clip his nails or toenails because he just won't hold still and clenches up, that's where big brother helps provide a distraction. And just this weekend tooth #5 made an appearance (upper left).  Still can't believe our baby is going to be 1 yr old, he's almost ready for a convertible car seat!
Playing peek-a-boo with brother at dinner

Brady is such a little man, he's great with his manners and always gets compliments on his good verbal skills. With turning 3 yr old last week, his picture has been on the door at daycare with a big birthday sticker and ear-to-ear smile.  His memory is incredible and he will starting singing songs he learned at daycare (Mom and Dad try to play catch up).  He'll also remember if you told him to do something like "remind me to tell Daddy that..."  His energy is overflowing and he will bounce around on the couch or dump out his toy bins until he finds something that catches his interest.  Potty training has gone really well, even on travel, with only a few minor incidents.  In fact he loves flushing the airplane potty covering his ears when it makes the loud noise.  And who knew that little kids pooped this much (and how frequently)!  He is still a phenomenal sleeper and loves reading his bedtime stories with Mom and Dad frequently asking Mom to make up a story about Frank (from the movie Cars).  He's been sleeping with a pound puppy Mom had as a kid and since it is brown he named him Mater.  And he always asks to hold Mom's hand during bedtime story time, what a sweet boy.  Speaking of sweet, he gives the best hugs when we pick him up at daycare.  It's so cute to see how excited he is to see his parents at the end of the day.

School picture day

The family made a quick trip to Texas and back both for Mommy's work and to enjoy the LM Aeronautics family day.  Family day was really cool, we got our family picture in front of both an F-35 and an F-16.  In addition the factory floor was open and we were able to tour the wing and fuselage build up centers and aircraft final assembly.  What an amazing place to work, Mommy has been very fortunate.  While only a short trip, we did get to see Keira and her family as well as some of our other Texas friends.  Daddy was even a little homesick for Texas.  And despite not having ear tubes, and drinking only sips of milk, Parker did not have any trouble with takeoff or landing (phew!).

Awesome hotel kiddie pool

Parker impressing the girls at their old daycare

We miss you Ms Sam!

The boys and Keira - cuteness x3

The BFFs

We are totally blessed with two wonderful little boys, amazing family and friends, and work opportunities that provide our lifestyle.  We will be celebrating the boys birthdays in a joint birthday party this weekend.  Until then, Mommy has her baby for 1 more week!

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