Monday, April 13, 2015

Parker 48 Weeks - Sleeping Through the Night

What a difference a week makes - one late night talk with Daddy and Parker is now sleeping through the night!  It's funny the ways Parker and Brady are similar, and yet the ways they are different (Brady was sleeping through the night at 3 weeks).  Parker is finding more ways to communicate, this week he learned a parents least favorite response the "no" headshake.  And he does it with a big smile, silly boy.  He's also started clapping to music or mimicking others, and will give hi-fives.  The eating really kicked in this week with the switch to soy formula.  For a good week he was drinking 7-8 oz bottles plus eating anything he could get his hands on.  And he's getting more accurate with the finger pincher grasp getting food in his mouth.  While we don't go back for his next pediatrician visit for a few more weeks we can already feel the pounds packing on him.  He's such a happy kid, always wanting to play or explore or follow around big brother.

 Mr Happy

Milk coma

Brady just cracks us up - he comes up with the wildest stories when sitting on the potty (suns hatching from eggs?).  And he loves taking his matchbox cars to the sink car wash covering the sink and himself in water.  He has a great imagination and and will pretend to grill out or make a cake with Mommy while dinner is cooking.  His curiosity and energy are endless, asking "why" repeatedly until he understands it and can repeat it back to you.

Arranging magnets 

The new fashion in pre-school (Daddy???)

Mommy spent the week back in Texas while Daddy was solo watching the boys.  Daddy did great getting the boys to school and getting them home/fed/down to bed all by himself.  He also helped Uncle E move some old furniture into Uncle Chris's new apartment.  Mommy extended her stay in Texas so she could catch up with some old friends, see some baseball, and go to Keira's 3rd birthday party.  How is it possible our babies are already 3!?!

 Opening day at Rangers stadium

 '66 Chevelle (and a rare dress sighting)

Happy birthday to this little princess!

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