Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Brady!

What a big year for Brady - having a baby brother to love and take care of, moving northeast back by family, and becoming a year older and growing into the wonderful person he is becoming.  This little guy brings so much energy, laughter, and love to our household - happy 3rd birthday Brady!!!

Then and Now - Brady Turns 3!

This year Brady's special day fell on Patriot's Day, a New England holiday, so with day care closed Mom had an easy excuse to take the day off and spend it with her boys.  After a morning of cartoons and playing in the house, it was time for a mobile nap (ie car) then a stop to check out the Loch Ness play center.  Loch Ness was awesome, best $10 we've ever spent.  Brady had a blast in the bounce house, driving the big wheels, sliding down the slide, and playing with every possible toy the place had to offer.  We will definitely have to make a return trip when Daddy has the day off.  Parker had fun too walking with the shopping cart, riding with brother on the big wheels, and crawling through the tunnel.

Fun at Loch Ness

The boys had a great weekend too.  With the beautiful weather we picked up a double stroller and took the boys out for a stroll.  They loved it.  There was a little bit of foot kicking and giggling but it was all good.  It will be a little heavier for Mom's jog.  With everyone finally healthy and in town we took the boys up to see Great Grandma.  Not sure who had more fun, Great Grandma or the boys!  The boys got all the toys out on the porch, and even took some outside.  Parker who hasn't liked touching grass got brave and started crawling on it to get a ball.  Now it'll be harder to keep him confined to the picnic blanket.  It was great seeing Great Grandma and Aunt Diane, I hope they slept as well after the visit as the boys did!

Stroller shenanigans

 It's shiny and makes noise

The birthday buddies - 89 years apart!

The house where Mom grew up, under the new owners

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