Sunday, October 26, 2014

Parker 24 Weeks

October is a month of birthdays.  This month we wished happy birthday to Grandpa Bob, and half birthday to Uncle Erik and Brady.  This month also saw the arrival of Nicole and Ben's second son, baby Levi, born October 23rd.  Now we both have 2 sets of little boys.  Too bad we don't live closer so they could play and grow up together, oh the mischief they would get into!

Parker had a great week - he is now crawling from one end of his crib to the other to get to his stuffed animals.  He does this by lying on his back and pushing with his feet.  He's pretty creative.  We know it's only a matter of time until he gets motivated to try it on his stomach, then he'll be off!  Still lots of drooling and chewing on objects, but no teeth yet.  His hand eye coordination continues to improve, he now rakes at objects until he gets a grip then pulls it in (usually to the mouth first).  He's a pretty consistent sleeper - he starts rubbing his eyes, yawning, and getting agitated at 730pm each night.  Then we feed him, bathe him, put on his PJs, read him 1-2 books, and he's ready for sleep.  He really enjoys his mobile so we put it on both at bedtime and for naps.  This kids is so happy, always smiling, very little does he ever get fussy.  We are so lucky to have him in our life!

Brady has a smile that can light up a room.  He loves having fun, playing games, exploring, and being outside.  And what an imagination - this weekend Parker's exersaucer was "on fire" and he used his fishing hook (from the tub) to rescue all Parkers toys, then brought in the fire truck to put out the flames, all the while telling us to be careful it's hot.  He also likes singing, always coming up with a tune in the car.  Today on the way to Grandma's house it was "Wheels on the Bus" and when he'd run out of ideas for sounds he'd ask us from the back seat.  With all the fun to be had, he's not a big fan of napping anymore.  He likes to go-go-go until he crashes.  After Mom put him down for a nap, he got up, opened the door and came to her down the hall, then she had no luck.  Without a nap he's still too young to make it all day and he fell asleep sitting on the couch watching Halloween cartoons.  Silly boy!

This week was Fall Festival at the daycare.  The teachers did a great job decorating the classrooms and dressing up for the big night.  Brady and Parker had fun too getting to sport their Monsters costumes early, getting some candy, and running around with their buds at the daycare.  Grandma Reggie and Jeff came too, think Jeff enjoyed the candy as much as the kids!

Ben, Nicole, and Baby Levi - congrats on the new addition!

Fall Festival at daycare with our little Monsters (Mike Wazowski and Sully)

Listening to the Pats (who won) and enjoying Grandma's pool


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