Monday, October 20, 2014

Parker 23 Weeks - Grandma Comes to Town

This was a big week for the boys with Grandma Reggie and Jeff moving to town for the next 3 months.  They found a house to rent fully furnished only 7 minutes away.  It's a nice house - big, spacious, plenty of bedrooms, a saltwater pool, and backs up against a little park with a pond and a playground.  It's perfect for little boys to explore.  While Mom and Dad were looking forward to the free babysitting and help around the house, unfortunately we had to use it right away to go to a funeral for a guy who used to work for Mom.  Antonio Nardella, one of our Alenia team members, passed away from liver cancer leaving behind his wife and 2 yr old son.  Brady went to his first funeral and cheered the little boy up letting him play with his bulldozer and dump truck.  Antonio was a strong person and family man, his smile and welcoming personality will truly be missed.

Halloween is almost here so we took the boys and Grandma to the Dallas Arboretum to see the pumpkin village.  This year we went on a weekend just ahead of Halloween so it was super busy.  Parker had a lot of fun checking out all the action and colors, while Brady enjoyed running around the village, throwing hay, and rolling/throwing pumpkins (he's all boy).  It's hard to get Brady to hold still, let alone smile, but we did our best and managed to snap a few family photos.  As always, the Arboretum did a great job, all the displays were beautiful and very well done.

As for the boys, with all the excitement and action neither slept great this week.  Both have been waking 1-2x/night and neither are taking naps of any real length.  Hoping next week to get them back into the routine so they get some rest and avoid colds from day care.  No teeth yet for Parker but everything still goes direct to the mouth.  His hair is getting longer but still looks like peach fuzz.  Brady continues to wow us with his personality.  In the morning when we ask him if he slept good he'll nod yes, and when we ask him how he feels he says "happy" - love the sweet innocence!  Both boys still love looking at each other, smiling, and making noises.  Brady has adopted some sort of baby talk which he speaks to Parker, guess they'll have their own language?

Hanging out at Grandma's house

Love this little pumpkin!

Playing with Takeru

The pumpkin village at the Dallas Arboretum

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