Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parker 21 Weeks

Fall is finally here! Well at least it's cool in the mornings and the pumpkins are out.  Mom and Parker took advantage of a nice day and made a trip to the local farmers market.  Must not have been a great local growing season as most of the produce was imported, but we did pick up some apples and acorn squash.  Parker also picked up some mini pumpkins to share with his older brother.  And Fall signifies college football.  This year Rutgers joined the big 10 and beat Michigan for it's first win in the new conference.  The Texas fan club was dressed and ready, and everyone expect Mom lasted all day in their RU shirt (Mom would have had Brady not coughed up all over her).  And with the cool mornings, we took the family on a walk to park and were surprised to have it all to ourselves.  Parker got to take his first ride on the swing and Brady got to show off his strength hanging over the slide, going across the monkey bars with Daddy's support, and running across the suspension bridge.  And it wouldn't be fall without school photos!  Brady did a great job holding his little brother for the photo, he looked so proud.

We are looking forward to more fall weather, day trips, and baking.  Soon it will be Halloween!  And Brady and Parker already have some ideas of what they want to be.

Parker (4.5 mos), Brady (2.5 yrs)

The colors may not be radiant in Texas but they sure are in the Northeast - thank you to family and friends for sharing these with us!

 View coming down the gondola at Loon Mtn (where Mom and Dad got married)

Sunset over Toothaker Island, Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Maine

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