Sunday, September 28, 2014

Parker 20 Weeks

Wow, 20 weeks already!  That's half as long as Mommy carried Parker with her.  And what a big week for Parker - he's getting more coordinated with his hands, ever more mobile, and is trying to sit on his own.  He has much better control of his hands now, reaching with one or the other for an object.  His reach is more smooth and less jerky, although when he pulls the object in it's very abrupt usually hitting himself in the face.  But it's amazing to see that in only a short week he's figured out how to put thought into action and command his hands.  As for mobility, he's getting stronger doing a half push up and sometimes turning himself when he's on his belly to look around.  The other morning Mom went in to wake him up and he had rotated himself 180 deg in his crib!  He can also roll himself across his play mat to get toys or check something out.  Just like Brady he loves watching the cats and the dog with fascination, even if they're just lying around. Attempts at sitting on his own usually result in him tipping over or folding himself onto his feet, but he's determined to keep trying.  Our little guy is growing up!

Brady had a big week getting to fly to NJ with Daddy to see the Seminara family.  Grandma Nancy recently had knee replacement surgery, which ended up more troublesome for her than her last knee, so grandson cuddles were in order.  All week Brady told us he was going on an airplane and was "going to fix Grandma, make her happy with hugs and kisses."  He is so incredibly sweet.  He also got to go to his first wedding and had a great time dancing with Daddy's uncles and playing with a lighted cube.  Traveling with an active toddler is not easy, but Daddy did great even getting Brady to take the occasional nap and getting him to sleep on the twin bed on the floor.  Brady had a lot of fun with his Grandma and Grandpa.

While Daddy and Brady were away, Mommy and Parker got to meet up with one of Mom's friends, go to the Botanical Gardens, and watch a lot of football.  Without the boys in the house it was so quiet (and clean)!

Fun at the Botanical Gardens with Mom

Enjoying the action of NFL Sunday (Patriots play MNF)

Brady dressed to impress at the wedding

 Enjoying a pony ride at a local NJ fair

Showing Grandpa Dave how to drive the lawn mower

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Boys Rooms

Meant to post these earlier - the finished product.

Brady's Room and Toddler Bed

Parker's Room

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Parker Weeks 18 & 19

It's been a busy two weeks!  Last week the boys got a special treat with a visit from Uncle Paul.  Uncle Paul was working in Austin and made the trek up to Arlington to see his nephews and spend the night. Parker gave him lots of smiles, and Brady had a lot of fun playing with his Uncle.  Uncle Paul also proved to be the lucky charm that helped the Patriots secure their first win of the season over the Vikings. Our fantasy football teams did not have the same luck.

The boys continue to show Mom and Dad how much they are growing up every day.  Parker has had a great couple of weeks increasing to four 5oz bottles (total of 20 oz) at daycare.  He's so squirmy and getting much stronger.  He likes to push his feet on the chair when nursing which is not fun for Mom.  He also appears to be teething (already!?) as we can see two white spots on his lower gums, everything goes into his mouth, and he is constantly drooling.  It will be soon!

Brady continues to surprise us with how much he understands, remembers, and can do by himself.   This morning he told Mommy he's a big boy and stirred his hot milk and screwed on the lid all by himself.  He's also so sweet.  When Mommy went in to wake him up, she tickled him a little and he told her no, just hugs and kisses.  Love this kid!

Mommy caught a stomach bug this week so she's been trying to take it easy, keep hydrated, and slowly get back into eating regular food (and not just crackers).  This wasn't how she planned to drop lingering baby weight.  Daddy has been a champ taking care of Mommy and the boys making sure everyone is fed, clean, and sleeping through the night.  

Fun with Uncle Paul

Wake up snuggles

Pre-bath storytime

Go Pats!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Parker 17 Weeks

Parker and Brady have taken well to their new rooms both sleeping through the night.  Parker always manages to flip over onto his belly and squirm himself into the corner, getting cozy holding the edge of his sheet and sucking his thumb.  Brady woke one night saying he fell out of bed which was right after Daddy got off the phone with a buddy whose son was also calling him.  The life of a Dad.  All that remains is to put up the finishing touches (decor, curtains) and the rooms will be finished.

Parker had a bit of a rough week getting his second round of vaccinations, not eating well at daycare (only drinking 3 of 4 bottles two days), then going into the weekend with a low grade fever (100.2 deg).  We're trying to keep him hydrated and rested so he feels better soon.  Despite that he has officially transitioned to size 2 diapers.  Developmentally we've started giving him teethers and for the first time this week we saw him pass an object between his two hands.  He also loves reading his mirror books before bed, laughing and smiling at his or mommy's face.  It's the little things :)

Brady is so much fun and has so much energy.  He loves to play games with his food, sing songs (or combinations of songs), jump on furniture, run around like a race car or motorcycle, and play with his trucks.  This week he took a real interest in one of his puzzles helping Mommy find the pieces and put it together.  Usually he doesn't have the patience to finish puzzles.  He's also a great helper and so polite.  He says his pleases and thank yous, and is always willing to help Mommy pick up bottle caps or blankies that fall on the floor when Mommy's hands are full with Parker.  Brady has also picked up a few new phrases, some we like and some we don't, such as that's the biggest "ever ever" (cute) or Mommy/Daddy "I can't" (not cute).  

Every day we feel so lucky to have two wonderful boys!

A quick family trip to the FW Zoo

The 1st week of football season - Go Pats!

Hanging out with Mom and Dad

Look Mom no hands! 

 Cozy in his favorite crib nook

 Playing together


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Parker's 4 Month Checkup

Today Parker had his 4 month Dr appointment - he weighed in at 11 lb 15 oz (10%), 23.5 in long (10%), and 40.75 cm head circumference (20%).  Brady was very similar - our babies are just little peanuts!  We were also a few days ahead of Parker's 4 month birthday.

Parker had just taken a long nap and had a bottle, so he was in great spirits when he saw the doctor.  He was rolling all over the table, "talking" to the doctor, and putting his hands (or trying to put her hands) in his mouth.  Despite giving her lots of smiles, he still had to get his shots getting the second round of the same ones from his 2 month appointment.  This time he cried when he was given the oral dose, and cried harder with the shots.  The doctor warned that because his immune system is more mature, he may get a fever this time.  After the doctor visit he slept well courtesy of baby Tylenol, but was fussy and not his normal happy self at dinner.  He did go down for bed ok.  We told the doctor that he had just gotten over a little cold and she confirmed she didn't hear anything in his lungs or see anything in his ears - fingers crossed!  Otherwise developmentally we can start introducing solids as we're ready and to make sure he gets plenty of play time to continue to develop his hand eye coordination.  His next appointment is his 6 month checkup where he'll get round 3 of these vaccinations plus the first round of a flu shot, ack!

 What a handsome little guy

Think he's going to be active? Lol