Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weeks 8 & 9 - and Parker turns 2 months old

Had another great week in the northeast!  Kicked it off with a retirement dinner hosted by Mom and her brothers for Grandma Reggie who retired from Plymouth State University after 43 years.  In attendance was Grandma's long time friend Darlene who was also retiring after 42 years.  From Joe Dudek (1985 Heisman trophy nominee) to Paul Reubens (Peewee Herman) and half the university president's, these ladies had a great run.  We all had a great time at the Country Cow catching up, hanging out, and watching Brady provide the free entertainment.  Mom ran into two of her high school buddies as well.

The retirees - Darlene and Grandma Reggie

With younger brother Steve

With the kids

Brady picking up the check

Over the weekend the timing worked out such that we could stop by and say hi to one of Daddy's old college buddies who has a house close to Lake Winnepesaukee.  It was great to see Chris and his family, and let Brady play with their two boys (James - 6 yr, Sean - 4 yr).  While Daddy had fun catching up, Mom enjoyed a trip to the beach with Michelle and the boys allowing them to dig in the sand and have stick sword fights.  Brady also got to check out their boat going on a short ride with Chris and Daddy.

The gearheads - Chris and Daddy

The week continued with a stop at Storyland (one of Mom's fav places as a kid, and location of many school field trips) on the way to Maine.  Brady had a blast.  It was a little hot, even for northeast standards, so they had sprinklers set up to keep the kids cool.  Despite the tea cup ride, the swans, the farm animals, the pirate ship ride, and possibly even driving the antique cars, Brady's favorite thing was jumping in the sprinkler puddles.  Unlike Clark's Trading Post, Storyland was bigger than Mom remembered.  Uncle Skip was right you need a full day to do Storyland, we covered maybe 1/3 in half a day.  

 Getting ready for Storyland

The view at one of the lookouts on the Kanc en route

Puddle jumping with a new friend

Driving an antique car

Ok, I did it!

Minding the herd

By the time we got to Maine the kids (and parents) were beat and we welcomed some R&R.  Ahead of July 4th the water was really warm, surface temp was 77 deg which is unheard of up there.  We took advantage with everyone getting in swimming and spending some time out on the boat.  Like the previous summers Brady took to the water like a fish, he loved swimming around with or without his life jacket on and playing shark with Mom and Dad.  He's such a fish he jumped off the dock 3x into Daddy's arms all by himself.  He had a lot of fun riding in and driving the boat, feeding the fish and the ducks, catching and releasing fish in his play pool, playing with matchbox cars in the house or on the porch, driving his own John Deere, and playing ball or helping out in the garage.  Parker had a good time too.  He got to spend a lot of time with his Grandma's, rocking on the porch swing, doing his exercises or practicing his "hi's", and watching his brother run crazy.  Brady tried to wear out his Grandpas and his Uncles but he was outnumbered.  

Later in the week we got some rain and it dropped the lake surface temp to a balmy 62 degrees, brrr!  That allowed time to assemble the 4th of July fireworks barge.  It was awesome, what a great show, thanks again to Uncle E and Uncle Paul for providing the fireworks!  Still can't believe the scotch tape worked.  We got lots of cheers and compliments from other camps on the lake.  And despite the colder water, Daddy and Uncle E got out the wakeboard.  Daddy practiced switching lead foot and jumps, while Uncle E worked on jump speed and height, both did great!

All in all it was another great week.  Appreciate Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Dave for driving all the way up from New Jersey, and Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry letting everyone stay at the camp.  It was a blast, we'll have to do it again next summer!

 The camp with the new door and windows

Throwing rocks with Grandpa Bob

Ready for swim lessons

 Driving the boat with Grandpa

Feeding the ducks with Uncle E and Uncle Paul

Exploring the woods with Grandpa Dave

Grandma Nancy with her boys

 Moosin' around with Grandpa Bob

Parker and Grandpa on the porch swing

The July 4th barge - great job by Uncle E, Grandpa Dave, and Daddy to rig it up

Daddy practicing jumps

Uncle E getting some air

July 4th with the fam

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