Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Parker's 2 month checkup

Parker had his 2 month appointment today.  He weighed in at 10 lbs 7.5 oz (25%), 22 in long (15%), and 38.5 cm head circumference (20%) - that's up 1 lb 6.5 oz since his 1 month appointment.  Developmentally he is doing great, he is tracking with his eyes, is getting more uncurled, opens his fists, makes coo sounds, and can hold up his head unassisted with less wobble.  The doctor said he's so ahead with his head control that we could start putting him in a bumbo seat.  She also recommended time on the play mat to help his hand eye coordination.  He's still sleeping well through the night, only waking once to be fed and no diaper change unless he poops.  He is a very wiggly little guy and smiles all the time.  We talked to the doctor about the straining face he does and she thinks it's just uncoordinated movement trying to pass gas/poops.  We also talked to her about the small bump on the back of his head, she said it's a lymph node that will likely tuck under his head and neck muscles when they get bigger.  And the least fun part of the visit, his first round of vaccinations - 1 oral and 2 needles for rotovirus, DTaP, Hib, PCV, and Polio.  Parker was such a tough guy, he cried for maybe 30 seconds until Mommy held him.  He was a little fussy after his first nap, and slept most of the day, but he was back to his happy go lucky self by nightfall.  His next appointment is at 4 months for the second set of these same vaccines.

Mr Happy with his Batman bandaids

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