Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 11 with Parker

Parker had a bit of a fussy spell this week lasting about 4 days.  He would eat well, poop at irregular intervals (like 3x in a row, then nothing), his sleep was interrupted waking several times early morning, and he was overall more cranky.  Reading back on Brady's blog, he had the same thing about this time.  We figure it was a growth spurt as he has gotten a lot stronger - he's trying hard to sit up by himself especially in the boppy, he's arching his back almost rolling from back to belly, his kicks are much stronger especially during diaper changes, he regularly pulls his arms out of his swaddle, he really gets bouncing in his bouncer, and his cries and coos have gotten a lot louder.  Thinking next week we'll start him in the Exersaucer to help coordinate all this strength and energy.  Once the fussy spell was over, he slept for what seemed like a day including one night where he slept 7 hours straight.  Mom is putting him in Size 2 diapers overnight to help avoid leaks when he sleeps long stretches.  Otherwise Parker is a happy healthy smiley little boy and has started drooling and blowing bubbles and working on coordinating objects into his mouth like soft blocks or his elephant chewy. He also enjoys reading books with bright colors or singing interactive songs like itsy-bitsy spider or head-shoulders-knees-and-toes.

Checking stuff out during tummy time

 Chewing on a soft block

Back arches - he'll be rolling over in no time!

Parker already looking so grown up

With the Texas heat back, Mom and Parker had some fun indoors playing with Mom's fancy camera.  Parker let Mom dress him up and a couple photo shoots.  With little effort, and at a lot less cost, Mom got even better pictures than this newborn photos.  We'll have to remember that if we have a 3rd.

Mr Blue Eyes

ET who?

What a week for Brady.  He got to play more tee-ball in the driveway - he really can hit and has pretty good form for an older kid much less a 2 year old!  We also went to Veterans Park to play on the playground.  They have all new equipment with sun shades and Brady had a blast going down the big slides and running around with the other kids.  He was having so much fun he did a little skip run which Mom caught on video.  One of the sports radio channels was also there for disc golf and giveaways.  We also took Brady to the drive in movie theater for his 1st time to see Planes: Fire & Rescue.  He got to sit in the front seat in his car seat while Mom and Parker enjoyed the back seat. Think he enjoyed more being there than the actual movie.  He kept pointing out airplanes in the sky, called downtown Fort Worth a "castle", and played copycat to an older little kid in the car next to us.  Later in the weekend he went to birthday party for an older girl and had a lot of fun running through the sprinkler or jumping on the couch with her.  Unfortunately after the weekend he got a touch of a cold, and an ear infection in his left ear where the tube has fallen out, keeping him home sick one day from school.  Daddy had a big presentation so Mom got to spend the afternoon with both her boys.  Mom and Brady did a lot of coloring or watching cartoons.  Brady's coloring skills are getting really good - he can now say all the colors and he will color in objects not just scribble on the page.  This made Mommy really proud.  He's such an amazing kid.  We also consistently get comments about how good his speech development is for a 2 year old - he can say so many words and so clearly they always think he's older.

 What form!  Coach Cofran would be proud

 Going down the big boy slide fearless

 Climbing the rock wall all by himself

1st drive in movie

 Meeting older women

Coloring faces, boots, treasure, and Captain Hook's jacket

This week also saw the mansion finally sell after 9 yrs on the market and the run down house next to it get demolished.  We are looking forward to the new neighbors moving in and maybe even fixing the shared fence and putting in a courtesy gate!

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