Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy fall everyone!

Brady's school photos - 1.5 years old (Sept 2013)

 Checking out a pumpkin patch

What's this Daddy?

Our little guy continues to grow up.  Some of his favorite things now are pointing out body parts including eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, head, hair, chin, hands, fingers, buns, knees, feet, and belly.  He's eating a lot and for a long time (he can eat for like an hour straight), and he's growing taller.  You have to be careful with pots on the stove because he can reach the handles.  He loves stairs, but now instead of crawling up them, he wants you to hold his hand and he will step up the stairs (you're still going to do 75% of the work).  His communication skills are very good, he understands what you're asking him to do even though he can't always form a recognizable response.  He still gets the mail with Mom, he responds to stand up/sit in the tub, he helped Mom unload the washing machine and load the dryer, and in general will come when you call his name.  

This week he started doing something new.  We have always read him two books before bed.  The last two nights, after we finish his books he points to his crib and says nigh-nigh.  I guess he's ready for sleep!  We ask him to give us a hug and he will then we lay him down.  Last night when Mommy told him she loves him, he said it back with sign language, it was really sweet.

Grandma and Grandpa Seminara fly in today for the weekend, we're getting excited to see them!

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