Monday, August 5, 2013

The biting at daycare continues, but now it's Brady getting bitten.  Today he got his 5th bite on his arm.  The teachers indicated there's one kid in class that's the biter (we know through unofficial sources it's the manager's son).  The biting seems to occur during disputes over sharing toys or boundaries.  See picture below (mid left forearm).

We did forget to mention a few of Mr Independent's other habits in our last post.  For one, he is very particular which books he wants to read at bed time.  When you pick out a book he will shake his head "no" and point to the book he wants.  And we don't always make it through the entire book before he wants to read something else.  He also has this habit when grocery shopping, pointing until you get moving or give him what he wants (typical guy lol).  And he'll let you know when he is done drinking his milk.  In the mornings, he will push it away and squirm until you put him on the floor.  C'mon Mom I've got things to do and places to be!

We also forgot to mention he's getting better at his animal sounds.  When we ask him what a lion says, he will say "roar".  When we ask him what a monkey says he will do "oo ooo ah aah".  It's pretty cute.  He enjoys wrestling with his Mom and jumping on the bed.  This gets him giggling and giggling.  It's a lot of fun.  He has such a big personality, we just love this little guy!

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