Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Brady had his 18 month (1.5 yr) checkup last week.  He weighed in at 24.8 lbs (25%), 31 3/4 in height (30%), and 47 1/2 cm head circumference (50%).  The doctor was very impressed with his talking and sign language, his overall happy demeanor, and how much fun he was having stacking and unstacking blocks.  This was his 4th and final PCV vaccination, and he also got the flu shot.  Initially he did ok with his shots, a little crying but was easily distracted.  He went down fine to bed, but about 2 hours later he started moaning so we went to check on him.  He got to the point he was literally shaking, like he had chills, and was groggy.  At that point we didn't know if we should call 911 or take him to Cooks Childrens.  His temp was 102.4 deg.  Mom held him and wrapped him in a blanket, Dad gave him some Tylenol, and pretty quickly he responded become more responsive to the pictures Mom was reading him in his books.  That night Daddy kept a close eye on him, having him sleep on his chest until morning.  Since he was still running a low grade fever (100.4 deg) the next morning we kept him home from daycare.  He did fine all day, bouncing back to his usual self but it was a little scary.  And a good reminder for Mom and Dad to pay close attention to the doses in these shots and effects on little toddler bodies.  

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