Friday, May 17, 2013

Brady's first Google search: <,, .fr4dep.;opk;p;.jn

Apparently this means "fever remedies" if you speak baby.  Poor Brady, he has caught a virus that caused him to vomit and have diarrhea (the first day) then spiked his temperature.  Mom stayed home with him today.  This morning he seemed his normal self, drinking a full bottle and eating some oatmeal and Cheerios.  But after his morning nap the fever returned with a vengeance spiking to 103.5 deg.  Mom gave him some Tylenol which brought it down to 102 deg.  Took him to the pediatrician, who confirmed it was not hand-foot-mouth disease but another virus that has been going around.  Typically the fever lasts 4 days, here's hoping we're on day 2.  At the pedi, his temperature was 103.8 deg.  Before bed it was 103.1 deg.  Mom is alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours which seems to give him some comfort if only bringing the fever down a degree or two.  Thankfully he's keeping hydrated drinking 27oz of his normal 30oz of formula.  In addition to the oatmeal and Cheerios, he did eat some puffs and yogurt bites at dinner.  He also sipped water during the day.  Feverish fussy babies cry a lot and want to be held.  Now it Mom's turn for some Tylenol!

He's also getting his bottom 2 molars which can be pretty painful for a baby.  Poor Brady!  Daddy returns Sunday night from the bachelor party.

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