Thursday, May 9, 2013

Brady had his 12 month check up today - he weighed in at 21 lbs 7.5 oz (25%), 29 in long (25%), and 46.75 cm head circumference (50%).  He has gained 4 lbs, 1.5", and 1.75cm.  He used to be 5% weight, 25% height, and 30% head circumference, so guess he's adjusted well to formula, milk, and table food!  He also had blood drawn (pin prick on his toe) and 2 shots one in each leg.  Brady was a tough guy, he only cried with the shots but stopped and waved bye to the nurse.  His next checkup will be at 15 months.

Other new developments in Brady's life include a few words - Dada and Mama (although not necessarily at us), uh oh, and hi.  In fact when we go in to wake him up in the morning, the first thing he says is "hi".  It's really cute.  He has also learned how to throw a ball.  He can throw it with either hand, but seems to be a little stronger with the right hand. Future pitcher for the Red Sox?  Maybe.  Speaking of balls, he loves the giant bouncy ball the Massey family gave him for his birthday.  It's almost as big as him but he loves batting it around.  We also discovered he loves bouncing on the bed.  He may only be a year old but he knows know what to do!

Imagination starts at an early age

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