Thursday, May 16, 2013

2nd Mother's Day 

Took a weekend RV trip to the Wichita Mtn Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.  Spring was in full bloom with wildflowers all along the highways and the park.  Free range buffalo and longhorns were grazing and enjoying the nice weather.  It was truly beautiful.  We rented a travel trailer from a place that rents privately owned units.  This one came complete with a flat screen TV and backlit "fireplace" both of which could rotate 180 degrees to face the master bedroom or the living area.  Brady did great on his first RV trip with ooohhhs and ahhhhs at the wildlife and all the trees.  He also slept well at night despite the campground noise and us going in and out of the RV to the campfire. 

Mom learned that Mother's Day is just a little more special to her than any birthday.  Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!

 Home away from home for the weekend

 Brady and Mom

 Life on the refuge

 Beautiful scenery

 One of the locals

 Brady enjoying the view

 View from Mt Scott (Fort Sill in the background)

Another resident of the park

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