Friday, May 31, 2013

It's official, Brady has graduated from the infant room!  He looks too cute in his CCY graduation paper "cap".  Starting Monday he will be full time in the toddler room.  Congrats to our "big" little guy!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1st week in the toddler room! This week Brady started his transition from the infant room to the toddler room spending a little more time in that room each day leading to full time next week.  He will be on a more formal classroom schedule, learning to wash his hands, and getting play time outside.  In addition he will use a cup (no bottles) and drink milk with meals (vs milk as a meal).  He is growing up too fast!

Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and we spent time with the Seminara's in New Jersey for Jennie's graduation from Fordham University.  Congratulations Jennie!  We had a great party with wiffle ball, a monkey rope bridge, jukebox, food, and a fire pit.  It was really nice to see family and Brady had fun playing with all his cousins.

We were happy Brady was feeling better so we could even travel to NJ.  That nasty virus he had lasted 5 days with vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and not eating.  Mom certainly earned a few more stripes on her Mom badge (and will miss her favorite pair of shoes).

Toddler room schedule

Brady and Aunt Jennie

The Pierce cousins - Issac (age 7), Sophie (age 4), Madelyn (age 2), and Brady (13 mos)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Brady's first Google search: <,, .fr4dep.;opk;p;.jn

Apparently this means "fever remedies" if you speak baby.  Poor Brady, he has caught a virus that caused him to vomit and have diarrhea (the first day) then spiked his temperature.  Mom stayed home with him today.  This morning he seemed his normal self, drinking a full bottle and eating some oatmeal and Cheerios.  But after his morning nap the fever returned with a vengeance spiking to 103.5 deg.  Mom gave him some Tylenol which brought it down to 102 deg.  Took him to the pediatrician, who confirmed it was not hand-foot-mouth disease but another virus that has been going around.  Typically the fever lasts 4 days, here's hoping we're on day 2.  At the pedi, his temperature was 103.8 deg.  Before bed it was 103.1 deg.  Mom is alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours which seems to give him some comfort if only bringing the fever down a degree or two.  Thankfully he's keeping hydrated drinking 27oz of his normal 30oz of formula.  In addition to the oatmeal and Cheerios, he did eat some puffs and yogurt bites at dinner.  He also sipped water during the day.  Feverish fussy babies cry a lot and want to be held.  Now it Mom's turn for some Tylenol!

He's also getting his bottom 2 molars which can be pretty painful for a baby.  Poor Brady!  Daddy returns Sunday night from the bachelor party.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

2nd Mother's Day 

Took a weekend RV trip to the Wichita Mtn Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.  Spring was in full bloom with wildflowers all along the highways and the park.  Free range buffalo and longhorns were grazing and enjoying the nice weather.  It was truly beautiful.  We rented a travel trailer from a place that rents privately owned units.  This one came complete with a flat screen TV and backlit "fireplace" both of which could rotate 180 degrees to face the master bedroom or the living area.  Brady did great on his first RV trip with ooohhhs and ahhhhs at the wildlife and all the trees.  He also slept well at night despite the campground noise and us going in and out of the RV to the campfire. 

Mom learned that Mother's Day is just a little more special to her than any birthday.  Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!

 Home away from home for the weekend

 Brady and Mom

 Life on the refuge

 Beautiful scenery

 One of the locals

 Brady enjoying the view

 View from Mt Scott (Fort Sill in the background)

Another resident of the park

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Brady had his 12 month check up today - he weighed in at 21 lbs 7.5 oz (25%), 29 in long (25%), and 46.75 cm head circumference (50%).  He has gained 4 lbs, 1.5", and 1.75cm.  He used to be 5% weight, 25% height, and 30% head circumference, so guess he's adjusted well to formula, milk, and table food!  He also had blood drawn (pin prick on his toe) and 2 shots one in each leg.  Brady was a tough guy, he only cried with the shots but stopped and waved bye to the nurse.  His next checkup will be at 15 months.

Other new developments in Brady's life include a few words - Dada and Mama (although not necessarily at us), uh oh, and hi.  In fact when we go in to wake him up in the morning, the first thing he says is "hi".  It's really cute.  He has also learned how to throw a ball.  He can throw it with either hand, but seems to be a little stronger with the right hand. Future pitcher for the Red Sox?  Maybe.  Speaking of balls, he loves the giant bouncy ball the Massey family gave him for his birthday.  It's almost as big as him but he loves batting it around.  We also discovered he loves bouncing on the bed.  He may only be a year old but he knows know what to do!

Imagination starts at an early age

Sunday, May 5, 2013

This weekend was Brady's Texas sized birthday bash!!!

Brady invited his closest friends and neighbors over to celebrate his first birthday.  In honor of his favorite book the Big Red Barn, the party was complete with a barnyard cake and barnyard themed bounce house.  We also ordered some Railhead BBQ and a friend made a fried turkey.  There was plenty of food, drinks, cake (the barn was rice krispie treats), and presents!  It was a special day for Brady spending time with his friends and a huge bonus to have Grandma Reggie here for the weekend.

 Barnyard cake

 Bounce houses are fun for kids and adults

 Another favorite - balloons!

 Thank you John for the excellent fried turkey (engine lift style)

 Playing in the bounce house

Ms Barb and Grandma Reggie

 Showing Keira his balloon pit

 Our little family

 Brady still not liking the frosting texture

 Some great Dads

Randy and Keira (13 months)

 Dustin and Walter (10 weeks)

Brent and Kyle (18 months)

 Opening presents

 Back to the bounce house!

Brady trying to bounce on Mom

 4-legged bouncers

 Brady figured out the tunnel all by himself



 Playing with Grandma Reggie

 Take that mushroom!

 Thank you Keira for the awesome pool!

 Playing in the pool with Grandma Reggie

 Liking this pool stuff

Why is Daddy wearing a boat on his head?!