Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 39 -

Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry were here this week preparing to get the RV out of storage and head back out on the open road.  Mom's friend Megan from high school was also in town visiting her husband's family and got to meet with them one night for dinner.  And the New England Patriots advanced to the AFC championship game beating the Houston Texans and getting ready to face the Baltimore Ravens.  Unfortunately this turned out to be another sick week for the family with Brady picking up RSV for the 2nd time, Mom coming down with a sinus infection, and Dad catching the dry cough that's been going around.  For these reasons we had to cancel our trip skiing in Colorado this week, we just didn't want to be far from the doctor should Brady's ability to breathe get any worse (stupid RSV).

Despite being sick, not sleeping through the night, and not being interested in eating much, Brady did have a few developments this week.  We officially have 4 new teeth coming in.  That's the 2 front top teeth and 2 left side teeth (one upper one lower).  And Brady has developed an interest in pulling himself up on his hands and knees like he wants to crawl the more traditional way, but just kind of rocks back and forth a few times before dropping back down to the stomach.  He's more comfortable on his knees when playing on his toy house, holding himself up to swing the door or play with the window.  The kid is really strong and has developed quite a right cross.  He will knock over towers of blocks, knock objects around on the floor, or swat at things he doesn't like (ex food).  Speaking of food, he much prefers table food (or whatever is on Mom's plate) over his baby food.  This is probably good all around, as he is happier eating dinner with us and forces us to eat more nutritional food on a regular basis.  Also, Grandpa Bob showed Brady how to turn off light switches, he's getting quite good at it now.  We'll have to work on turning them back on.

Had to make a run to the kids resale store again to buy more 9 month or 12 month clothes as all his 6 month, 6-9 month, and even some 6-12 month clothes are getting too snug.  He goes back for his 9 month check up in 2 weeks.  He'll still probably be on the low end of the growth chart, but he's definitely growing and has put on some weight.

Gary, Brady, Lucy, and Chris


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