Friday, May 6, 2016

Parker Turns 2 Yr Old & Brother Birthday Party

This is the second year in a row poor Parker was sick on his birthday.  The day before we got the call from daycare that he was running a 102 deg fever and would have to stay home.  Poor little guy, turned out he had the flu and had to stay home the whole following week.  At least he made his birthday party the weekend before so he could enjoy some bounce housing, cake, balloons, and presents with the family!

Parker is growing into such a sweet and loving little boy.  For the most part he has a very pleasant demeanor and enjoys playing with cars, in his sandbox, mowing the yard with his play mower, or exploring.  He does get his fits of terrible twos from time to time, and will let you know when he has a strong opinion on something, but for the most part he is more laid back and easy going than big brother.

He is doing really well with his words, his vocabulary expanding everyday and words getting clearer.  Sometimes he will just babble us a full sentence, too bad we can't understand it all yet.  His big smile and loving personality draw others in.  We are such lucky parents to have this sweet boy in our lives!

Parker - 2 Years Old

Thank you Grandma Nancy for the "Diggers Cake"

Enjoying Some Family Bounce House Time

Happy Birthday to Our Two Wonderful Boys

The Boys Patiently Waiting to Open Presents

Learned Watching Big Brother?

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