Thursday, May 26, 2016

2 & 4 Year Checkups for the Boys

Good news for the boys, neither got shots this round so these well visits were relatively painless!

Parker weighed in at 22.75 lbs (3%) and height of 31.25 inches (2%) but his weight to height ratio is in proportion (34%).  There are many 1 year olds that weigh more than him!  Guess he'll just be a little guy like Mommy.  Since his 2 year visit he has been eating on and off, but has really taken to drinking milk which is good to make sure his little bones are strong.  This is also good so he can continue to play rough and tumble with big brother!  His words are getting ever more clear and he now says phrases.  Not sure if we taught him some, if he picked them up from Brady or daycare, or all of the above, but he has some cute ones.  Our favorites are "wait a minute," "oh my goodness," and "oh momma".  He does have his two year old tantrums, mostly at dinner time or when coming in from outside before he's ready to, and we continue to try to give him choices and have him use his words to minimize the frustration.  Oh we remember this phase with Brady, hopefully this will be behind us by 2.5 yrs.  He's also starting to show interest in using the potty.  He loves his potty time book and (unfortunately) playing with the toilet lid, but still afraid to sit on the big potty.  We sold our old kiddie potty when we moved from Texas, looks like we'll have to get another one.

Brady weighed in at 36.8 lbs (55%), a height of 40.125 inches (41%), a BMI of 16.05 (65%), and blood pressure of 86/40.  These were his first BMI and blood pressure readings.  He also got to do an eye test reading letters off the chart.  Like grown ups he had to read off the reading chart, but since he's not 100% with his letters yet they gave him a card to point to the letters he saw.  He knew most but had to refer to the chart for a few.  He passed!  Brady still has one tube in his left ear so we need to setup an appointment for him to have it removed before it gets too embedded.  The other fell out on it's own.  Otherwise he is a happy, healthy, super energetic, every growing curious 4 year old boy.  It always amazes us what he thinks to ask - Mommy, why do ducks float and not sink? We found out our local library rents out backpacks with themed projects (sports, natures, travel, etc) that you can bring home for the kids.  Going to have to get a library card and try these out!

   Brother lunch date

 First Mother-Son Movie Date - We Found Dory!

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