Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thanksgiving & Ready for the Holidays

We had a great Thanksgiving with our family.  Dave & Nancy came from NJ and stayed a few days.  The Muzzey family came down and we had the grandparents and all the uncles.  We brought our Texas tradition to the northeast and fried not one but two turkeys.  Our pot is a little small so this was key to having leftovers haha.  Everyone brought sides and dessert and we were a bunch of stuffed turkeys when all was said and done.  Parker and Brady hung in as long as they could eating a little before Parker was pooped and had to take a nap.  It was great to see everyone and get to host our family at our house.  Another perk of living in the northeast!

Thanksgiving with the Family

Enjoying the Thanksgiving Parade at Plymouth Rock MA

Since Thanksgiving the boys have been getting in the Christmas holiday spirit.  Mom found some toddler skates at the kids consignment store so we took Parker out on the ice for the first time.  It was fun to skate all as a family.  Brady is such an independent spirit, he tells us "I can do it" and off he goes without Mom and Dad.  He skates in a little shuffle of his feet but is able to keep his balance and can get up from the ice all on his own.  Parker had a blast too, holding onto Daddy's arms while Daddy skated him around.  He actually cried when we got off the ice.  Following public skate was a local boys team hockey game and our boys were just fascinated watching the big kids.  Since then they've been wearing their Bruins sweatshirts from Uncle Paul.

Parker's First Time on Ice Skates

We got our Christmas tree from the same tree farm this year.  The boys had fun running through the maze of trees, chasing each other, and listening for the tractor.  We got a healthy tree that just fits in our living room and drinks a ton of water.  Was a good thing we had a new tree stand this year although Mom accidentally overfilled it and soaked the carpet.

Our Elves Decorating the Tree

We also took part in our new holiday tradition of journeying to NH to ride the Polar Express.  This year we rode it out of North Conway and it was certainly polar (-3 degrees!).  They boys enjoyed the train, the lights, the hot coca, stamping and mailing Brady's letter to Santa, and visiting the North Pole.  Brady was very excited to see the elves workshop and caroling.  Parker was excited to watch Brady and the other kids.  This year for Christmas Brady asked for a Transformer, special glasses (virtual reality), and Batman.  Parker asked for toys and diggers.  I'm sure Santa was listening.  Was also fun for the boys to see Santa as he came around to say hi to all the boys and girls.

Riding the Polar Express

The boys have been enjoying all the activity of the holiday season.  They got to attend the tree lighting in the Chelmsford town center to include seeing Santa and taking tractor and horse drawn hay rides.  They also got to visit Daddy's work to see Santa and get a special gift.  After the ride on the Polar Express we took the boys to the ski slopes for Parker's first time on skis.  Parker did great and kept saying "I'm skiing!"  Mr Independent again, Brady hopped on his skis and took off down the slope without Mom and Dad.  Unfortunately skiing was a bit of a bust as after just one run the power went out on the magic carpet and we had to quit for the day (snowplow hit a pole and took out power).  But given how great the boys did we can't wait to try again!

Parker's First Time Skiing at Mt Cranmore

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Parker's 2.5 Year Checkup

Parker had his 2.5 year check up yesterday.  He weighed in at 24.8 lbs (4%) and 34.25 inches (13%), gaining 2 lbs and 3 inches in 6 months.  We could tell he was getting taller because he has moved to his 2T pajamas and shirts although his legs are still short and we have to roll his pants so he doesn't run out of them haha.  He was such a great little boy at his checkup, he didn't even cry when he got his flu shot.  Daddy rewarded him with a trip to get some ice cream which he loved.

This morning when Mommy woke him up we asked him who his best friend was at school.  After thinking about it he said Megan his teacher.  When we asked which kid is his best friend he said Brady.  When we asked which kid in his class he said Caleb and Tyler.  So cute to see his love for his teachers, brother, and friends!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016

For Halloween this year Brady picked the "blue one" teenage mutant ninja turtle costume (Leonardo).  That worked well for us since we could pick another turtle for Parker's costume.  In the end we picked Michelangelo for Parker for his happy go lucky personality.  The Halloween festivities began with the annual party at daycare.  Brady was all into his costume and ready to go, but Parker being two years old, had a different opinion and wouldn't let us put on his costume until we were in the daycare parking lot.  But once Parker had his costume on he was all into being a ninja turtle and the school party.  The daycare did a nice job too with the pumpkin decorating contest, cookie decorating, dance room, and guessing the slimy substances.  The boys ran around with their friends Sam and Issac, who are the same ages, and had a good time.

Next came Halloween weekend.  This year a new thing for kids was "trunk or treat" which works really well for little kids because it's run by churches or schools mid day so they don't have to walk house to house at night and get bored or freeze.  We went to the Cornerstone Congregational Church in Westford for their trunk or treat.  Different church members decorated the trunks of their cars and put out games for the kids to play.  The kids would play the game then get to pick a piece of candy.  Some of the games were cornhole, archer, pin the banana on the tree, etc.  They also had face painting.  While it was small, the boys had fun, and were able to get some candy.  Brady had fun this year learning about the different types of candy and what they taste like.  So far they're all his favorite haha.  Grandpa Bob came down and he and Grandma Reggie had just as much fun as the boys.

That night we took the boys to the Heart Pond pumpkin armada where we lighted and put on floats two of our pumpkins.  Daddy did a great job carving 4 pumpkins for us this year.  We put two of the smaller ones on the floats.  It was really nice seeing all the different carvings by the town people and see it all aglow on the water.  Speaking of pumpkins, this year the Rise of the Jack-O-Lanterns opened in Boston and we met Uncle Kevin, Aunt Val, and baby Nolan in the city to see all the pumpkins.  It was amazing!  Must have taken a ton of artisans and pumpkins to put it all together.  It was hosted at the Seaport and once inside they had a huge room filled with all different carved pumpkins including some put together to create symbols or animals.  Some used regular pumpkins and some used gourds.  The most elaborate carvings were peeled into the skin of the pumpkin, not cut in.  The boys weren't that into it, they were more happy dancing in the dark, but it was cool for the grown ups.  Baby Nolan preferred to get a little shut eye.

Halloween night fell on a Monday this year, and since the boys had a big Halloween weekend, we kept it low key.  Daddy was on a business trip, so Grandma Reggie and Mom took the boys just to the neighbors houses.  We don't get many trick or treaters on our quiet street so it was nice for the neighbors to see some kids.

Overall the boys had a great Halloween, cowabunga dudes!

Daycare Halloween Party and Mommy's Painted Pumpkin (we didn't win)

Fun at Trunk or Treat at the Cornerstone Congregational Church

Rise of the Jack-o-Lanterns

Carving pumpkins

Trick or Treating at the Neighbors

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brady's Breathing

In the past month Brady has had at least two known viruses that have left him with a persistent cough and wheezing.  Since he had RSV twice as an infant, and since he is prone to respiratory viruses, Mom took him to the doctor to have him checked for asthma.  Both Mom and Uncle E (and possibly others) have asthmatic tendencies when the seasons change.  Thankfully neither of us have full blown asthma or have to use an inhaler on any regular basis.  The pediatrician measured Brady's oxygen (100%), blood pressure, and listened to his breathing and cough.  Then he did an inhaler treatment with QVAR (beclomethasone diproprionate steriod) - 2 puffs with 5 deep breathes each.  The pediatrician listened again and thought that helped with some of the junk in his chest.  We will repeat this breathing treatment 2x/day for 3 weeks then go back for a follow up.  If this seems to help it will be another tool to manage Brady's breathing.  He will also take it in lieu of the nebulizer at the onset of a cold.  If he gets in trouble and needs a rescue we would switch to an albuterol inhaler.  Hopefully this isn't something we'll need to use often, but will provide Brady some relief when the seasons change and germs start making the rounds at school. It's also much quicker to administer and provide relief than those lengthy nebulizer treatments.  Since we were at the pediatricians Brady also got his flu shot.  He cried a little but was happy to get some free stickers for being a good patient.

Practicing at the Pediatricians

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Riding Bikes

Here's some video of the boys riding bikes.  Brady is on his "pedal bike" and Parker is scooting around on his pusher.  Excuse the "mom voice".  Enjoy!

Brady - 4yrs old

Parker - 2yrs old

Brady answering the class daily question

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Transition to Fall

After a fairly dry summer we got some late season rain which greened up the grass and the trees and the temperatures stayed fairly warm.  Mom and Dad took another trip north to get in some hiking while the boys got to spend the weekend with the grandparents.  We're so fortunate to have some of the best hiking only a short 2hr drive away and the grandparents local and willing.  For this trip we stayed north of Franconia and hiked Mt Willard which looks down over Crawford Notch.  It was a warm and beautiful day for a view.  The trail was short and steep, a good 3.2 mi round trip, that took us ~3hrs with time enjoying the view.  The next day we hiked Kearsarge North which is a much more challenging hike.  The upper 1/3 of the mountain is sheer granite so very unforgiving on the legs.  At the top we were rewarded with 360 degree views of the white mountains and western Maine from atop the fire tower.  It was another warm clear day.  This hike is 5.8 mi roundtrip and took us ~6.5hrs.  It was great to get in some late season hiking taking advantage of the Indian summer before the temperatures begin to drop.  And a great excuse to take Mom's new convertible on some fun roads, including a drive up the Mt Washington auto road.

As summer draws to a close and the temperatures begin to drop the trees begin to change and we start adding layers.  This week we took advantage of a nice day and drove up over the Kanc to see the foliage.  Pictures just cannot do justice to nature's beauty.  It was a surprisingly warm day and the views were gorgeous.  After a front went through over the weekend, we took the boys on Columbus Day to pick out their pumpkins.  We went to the same place as last year, Parlee Farms in Tyngsboro, and enjoyed a morning on the farm.  The boys ate apple cider donuts, picked pumpkins, fed farm animals, and ran the hay maze.

The boys continue to grow up too fast.  Parker has begun his transition to using the big potty.  At first we got him a little potty to practice.  He would stand over it and make pee sounds but only a handful of times did he actually pee in it.  This past week he started using the little seat on the big potty and peed once.  He will sit there before his bath, with his potty book, and make pee sounds.  We have noticed that Parker has been hit or miss again with eating, preferring hot milk or cheese sticks to any real food.  Turns out his bottom two back molars are coming in!  Looked last night and they still have not broken the skin.  Also couldn't see anything happening on the top.  Poor Parker, glaciers move faster than his teeth coming in.

Brady has been making leaps and bounds growing up.  If we haven't mentioned it before he has gone all summer without a diaper overnight.  Most nights he doesn't wet the bed, only on great occasion.  We are so proud of him. He has also started recently using the "pedal bike" in lieu of the balance bike and will bike around the circle in the front of the house.  His pedal bike has training wheels.  This weekend Daddy took them off so Brady could practice pedaling and balancing on the grass out back, then put the training wheels back on but at a higher setting.  He's also taken Brady on the bike trail with his pedal bike, Brady's getting to be such a big kid!  If that wasn't enough, he can now spell words and gets his letters 99% accurate.  When we read books at night he will spell out the title on the cover.  We've also begun sounding out words as he starts learning to read.  Seriously, reading already, where has our baby Brady gone???  It is so fun to see his little mind growing and learning every day.  Speaking of every day, when we drop him off at school he has a question in the classroom he has to answer and write out the word.  An example - what is your favorite sport?  He chose soccer then writes it and his name on the page.  Most times he writes the word and not his name but we encourage the practice and try to help him overcome his frustration. It's all part of growing up.  One thing we are working on is trying to get him to stop licking things.  Yes, it's gross.  He licks his brother's head, the lid of an applesauce, the table surface, etc.  Can't seem to keep his tongue in his mouth, but we're working on it.  Is this a normal boy thing?

Happy Fall everyone!!!

Last of Summer - Duck Boat Ride with Baby Nolan (3 mos old) 

Bucket List - Monster Truck Ride at the Bolton Fair

View From Mt Willard into Crawford Notch

View from Kearsarge North into the White Mountains

Views from Mt Washington enjoying Mom's Convertible

Foliage Across the Kanc

Pumpkin Picking and Hay Maze at Parlee Farm