Saturday, November 12, 2016

Parker's 2.5 Year Checkup

Parker had his 2.5 year check up yesterday.  He weighed in at 24.8 lbs (4%) and 34.25 inches (13%), gaining 2 lbs and 3 inches in 6 months.  We could tell he was getting taller because he has moved to his 2T pajamas and shirts although his legs are still short and we have to roll his pants so he doesn't run out of them haha.  He was such a great little boy at his checkup, he didn't even cry when he got his flu shot.  Daddy rewarded him with a trip to get some ice cream which he loved.

This morning when Mommy woke him up we asked him who his best friend was at school.  After thinking about it he said Megan his teacher.  When we asked which kid is his best friend he said Brady.  When we asked which kid in his class he said Caleb and Tyler.  So cute to see his love for his teachers, brother, and friends!

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