Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brady's Breathing

In the past month Brady has had at least two known viruses that have left him with a persistent cough and wheezing.  Since he had RSV twice as an infant, and since he is prone to respiratory viruses, Mom took him to the doctor to have him checked for asthma.  Both Mom and Uncle E (and possibly others) have asthmatic tendencies when the seasons change.  Thankfully neither of us have full blown asthma or have to use an inhaler on any regular basis.  The pediatrician measured Brady's oxygen (100%), blood pressure, and listened to his breathing and cough.  Then he did an inhaler treatment with QVAR (beclomethasone diproprionate steriod) - 2 puffs with 5 deep breathes each.  The pediatrician listened again and thought that helped with some of the junk in his chest.  We will repeat this breathing treatment 2x/day for 3 weeks then go back for a follow up.  If this seems to help it will be another tool to manage Brady's breathing.  He will also take it in lieu of the nebulizer at the onset of a cold.  If he gets in trouble and needs a rescue we would switch to an albuterol inhaler.  Hopefully this isn't something we'll need to use often, but will provide Brady some relief when the seasons change and germs start making the rounds at school. It's also much quicker to administer and provide relief than those lengthy nebulizer treatments.  Since we were at the pediatricians Brady also got his flu shot.  He cried a little but was happy to get some free stickers for being a good patient.

Practicing at the Pediatricians

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