Friday, June 26, 2015

Parker - Celebrating Dad (and WALKING!!!)

This has been a big month for Daddy - first we got the '61 Chevy back and put her home in the garage.  Daddy is super excited to work on her on his every off Friday.  And it was great getting the help from Grandpa and Uncle E making it much easier to load and unload the truck.

Next it was Daddy's 37th birthday, and for that special occasion Parker started WALKING!!!  And not just the teetering steps between Mom and Dad, but the I want that toy so I'm going to walk across the room and get it walk.  Sometimes he makes it all the way across and sometimes not falling on his bum.  His first free steps were from the fridge toward Brady when he was upset, much to Brady's wide eyed surprise.  He's also tried drinking a bottle free standing, but that head tilt makes it hard to hold his balance.  But his stability is getting better, and so is his confidence, we know he'll be cruising in no time!  And for Daddy's special day, Mommy got a babysitter (Grandma Reggie) and took him to a surprise dinner in Groton at the Gibbet Hill Grill.  It was a beautiful day, blue skies, green grass, cows in the field (and a wedding in the backyard).  Mom and Dad enjoyed an awesome dinner then went out for a drive in movie (Jurassic World).  To top it all off, Daddy got a happy birthday card signed by both his boys.  We love you Daddy! 

This year Father's Day fell the week after Daddy's birthday.  To our surprise, an old family friend (Ben and Augie) was in town due to the death of a relative so they stayed at the house.  Augie is also 3 yr old, he and Brady had a BLAST playing together all weekend.  From baseball, chalk, playdoh, swimming, making cards, playing on the beach at Hart Pond, and just running around, the boys had a great time.  It was also nice to see Ben although we missed Nicole and baby Levi!  We'll see them soon in St Thomas (can't wait!!!).  Father's day was rainy and soggy, so Mommy made the Dad's breakfast and we said goodbye to Ben and Augie as they headed off to fly home to Virginia.  Daddy just relaxed the rest of the day with the family before Mommy had to fly out of town again.  One more week of work until real vacation, woohoo!

Takeing the boys out on the bike path for on Daddy's Birthday

It was a nice relaxing trip for Brady and Parker

Celebrating Gary's Birthday at Gibbet Hill Farm

Parker loves Ice Cream Cake!

And so does Brady!!

Augie and the Boys having a blast! 

Parker enjoying some time in the sand

Brady and Parker playing with some new friends at Heart Pond Beach

Augie and Brady discussing a civil engineering masterpiece

Ben pushing the double Bob on the rail trail.

Brady and Parker trying to figure out how to order more toys

Tent in the Living Room!

Having a blast walking on two legs!

Starting to walk like a pro!

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