Sunday, June 7, 2015

Brady & Parker Moving Up - 1st Week in New Classrooms

Summer marks transition for kids moving up the next grade.  Same with daycare.  This week was Parker's first week in the Toddler transition room and Brady's first week in the Preschool room.  For Parker this meant transitioning from two to only one nap a day and sleeping on a floor mat instead of in the crib.  The first couple of days this was hard for Parker.  He didn't want to lie on the mat and would crawl away.  On the way home he would fall asleep in the car or be uncharacteristically irritable at dinner.  By late week he and the other babies got the hang of it.  He will move again, this time without his teachers, into a toddler room in September.  Brady handled his move like a pro.  Since we moved mid school year he was with a younger group of kids, now he is being moved up with some of his buddies into a room of older kids more on his level with learning.  Brady likes that room too as they do a lot of sensory play ("floam", flour, water, washing babies, etc).  For the summer months we drop off and pick up in that classroom, starting in September he will be in there full time.

1st Time Sleeping on the Nap Mat

Gift from daycare - class photos!

Parker and Brady are growing up fast.  Parker has started blowing kisses, waving, and just this week started taking a few teetering steps.  He walked back and forth between Mom and Dad about 4 steps several times.  Not all were well balanced and he tumbled on a few, but his smile said it all as he was so proud.  We love this kid!  He does show a temper time and again, like when you bring him in from outdoors he will get upset and head butt you.  He's become a great sleeper.  While Brady liked to be rocked or held after stories, Parker just wants his crib and will reach for it until you put him down.  Silly boy.

Brady is getting so grown up too.  He has a great memory and imagination.  We love the way he explains things to us, for example when he sees a robin hopping around on the ground because they're great listeners waiting for worms and that they take home to their two babies.  He's also in a "I can do it" phase and does a great job taking off his own shoes (on is harder), putting on / taking off his coat, climbing into the car and his car seat, putting cheese on his pasta, you name it.  And when he wakes up in the morning he doesn't cry for us anymore, he just opens the door and comes out looking for us.  Our big kid!  On the flip side he's very rough, especially when he's tired.  He loves to cruise around with the elephant walker while Parker is on his farm walker, but he'll smash into Parker or any walls or furniture at full speed.  He also likes to pull things out of Parker's hand or throw heavy objects.  Not sure what this is all about.  Despite that when he wanted to cuddle tonight he said "I'm a boy, I'm a good snuggler".  We'll take it. 

Living in the northeast we have all sorts of new places to explore this summer.  In just the last month we have traveled to NJ to see the Seminara family and explore a farm, we've gone to an airshow with Uncle E and Katie, we checked out a festival in Westford with one of Brady's buddies from school, we've had visits from Uncle Paul and the grandparents, gone with Grandma Reggie to a zoo, and explored the rail trail.  Mom and Dad got out too checking out a show in Boston and enjoying an off Friday to walk along the Charles River on a beautiful sunny day.  Maybe when we get to feeling "local" we'll stop asking ourselves if we're on vacation!

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