Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Parker - 6 mo checkup

Parker had his 6 month checkup yesterday - he weighed in at 13 lb 4 oz (1%), 24.75 in long (5%), and 43 cm head circumference (25%).  He's a little peanut just like big brother was at this age!  And his ear infection also seems to have cleared (this made Mom very happy).  The Dr was a little concerned with his weight being so low, but he is proportional and was just getting over being sick.  His Mom's tall stature probably doesn't help either.  Developmentally the Dr was happy with Parker - he's reaching for and raking at objects, he pulls them in and switches them hand to hand, he will stand (temporarily) under his own weight, and he's started crawling.  Occasionally he will point with his index finger at an object, hook it, and pull it in (toward the mouth of course) which the Dr said is more a 9 month skill, so good for him!  While he does laugh out loud he's not a big talker, preferring to watch and smile rather than blow bubbles or make consonants.  At this visit he got 4 more shots - 3 vaccinations and 1 flu shot.  We go back in a month for a weight check and his second flu shot.

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