Sunday, November 23, 2014

Parker 27 & 28 Weeks

Sorry for another 2 week blog post but time is really flying by now - only 5 more weeks until we move!  Or 14 more work days, but who's counting.  In the last two weeks we have made major strides with readying the house to sell.  Uncle Paul was in town and he and Jeff repainted Brady's play room, Jeff repainted the front door, and contractors came to repair the carpet and paint both interior and exterior trim.  We held a yard sale to get rid of a bunch of stuff we had in storage and made over $500.  With everything clean and clear the house really looks amazing.  Century 21 did a great job with the listing, it even has a YouTube site.  In only 4 days we've had 10 showings.  If it hadn't been a rainy cold weekend maybe we would have had more.  It's weird to have strangers walking through our house, but know it'll make a great home for the next family.

Knowing that we only have a short time left in Texas we're trying to cram in seeing all the good stuff one last time.  Mom's boss had a dinner party in downtown Fort Worth with all her co-workers, what a really nice gesture to host us and our spouses  Then we met up with Michelle and Randy to celebrate Michelle's birthday - Mom left the karaoke to Michelle.  We also saw our friends Kris and Randy as they'll be out of town for the next 4 weeks for vacation and work.  After 10 years in Texas, it'll be hard to say goodbye to all our friends.

The boys are doing great - they get lots of play time with Grandma Reggie and Jeff.  Grandma does great feeding, changing, and playing with Parker.  Brady and Jeff have a lot of fun together playing with cars, trains, animals, or bouncing balls.  Parker is really starting to move now.  He doesn't like siting still long preferring to flip onto his belly and crawl after an object that interests him.  This also makes it quite challenging to change his diaper or get him dressed (but Mom is getting good at dressing a baby on his belly).  After getting over his ear infection he hit quite a growth spurt, eating 1/2 to 1 jar of baby food a day, up again 1-2x/night for milk, and fitting better in his 6 month clothes.  Brady is such a big boy, he does a great job helping his Mom and Dad, feeding his dog, and is learning to put away his toys.  He has so much energy, especially before bed when he loves to watch videos and dance (Footloose being a favorite).  Having these two wonderful little boys in our lives just makes us glow from the inside out.

Next weekend is Thanksgiving then we take a house hunting trip north.  We're getting excited to find our family's new home and get settled in, hopefully before the holidays!

Mommy and Michelle 

Mommy and Kris

Giving Parker a nightcap 

Grandma and her boys

Playing ball with Jeff

A morning person...and a non morning person

Family selfie attempt!

Parker's first selfie

Caravan to Grandmas, even Indy got a ride

"Stuck in the mud" game at Grandmas 

Brother bonding time

Our little Pats fans

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