Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 2 with Parker home

As newborns typically do, Parker slept a lot this second week of his life.  He would sleep up to 20-22 hours/day.  When he was awake, he continued lifting his head and pushing with his feet.  He also started rolling over to one side (we found him this way 3x) and appears to be focusing better on faces and objects in front of him.  His vision distance also seems to be improving and he loves staring at our NH White Mtns picture just like big brother Brady did as a baby.  Unlike Brady, Parker seems to enjoy baths (and Mom is much better at giving them) and he enjoys tummy time more especially if he can get his fingers in his mouth to suck on.  He does appear to have reflux more than Brady and we just have to keep him upright after feedings to minimize coughing, hiccups, and the occasional spit up.  On day 8 he lost his plastibell ring, and on day 14 lost his umbilical cord stump.

At his 2 week doctor appointment he got to meet his Pediatrician and weighed in at 7 lb 12.5oz (25%), 20.5 inches long (50%), and 36cm head circumference (15%).  Since he was now over his birth weight we could let him sleep through the night and not wake him to feed him.  Regardless he still seems to like to eat at least 2x/night with an occasional cluster feeding between 3 and 5am (yawn).  We also took him for his second newborn screening where they prick his heel and take 5 samples of blood for analysis (we didn't do this for Brady).  We get the results at his 1 month checkup.  All signs point to him being a happy healthy baby boy! 

The Seminara grandparents were in town this week and both Parker and Brady got lots of play time and snuggles.  Grandpa Dave and Brady played outside playing baseball, trucks, and Brady got pulled around in the wagon.  Grandpa Dave also helped Dad complete some of his outdoor projects.  Grandma Nancy snuggled Parker a lot, and helped Mom around the house.  We also went to the Botanical Gardens, and out a few nights for dinner where Brady got to see trains, motorcycles, boats, ducks, and fish.  This kept our very active toddler occupied.
Parker - 10 days old

Brotherly love

Parker at his 2 week checkup

 The Seminara grandparents and the boys

3 generations 

Our little busy family

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