Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 1 with Parker home

Similar to Brady's arrival, Parker waited for his grandparents to arrive before being born.  This time Grandpa Bob was the good luck charm and Parker was born that evening after Grandpa arrived.

Since Mom and Parker were doing so well after delivery, we were able to be discharged 1 day early from the hospital.  This was good for the L&D ward as they had so many mother's delivering that week they were overflowing.  When we left the hospital Parker weighed 7 lbs 4 oz, dropping 5 oz.  Once home, we had a follow up visit to introduce Parker to the pediatrician and he weighed 7 lbs 3.5 oz warranting a follow up visit later in the week.  At the follow up he weighed 7 lbs 4.5 oz showing he was gaining weight and a healthy baby boy.

Parker is a great eater, sleeper, and pooper.  He eats, sleeps, poops....and repeats.  He seems to be a fairly mellow baby being satisfied if all his basic needs are met.  And he seems to be adjusting to life with the family (and a noisy 2 yr old brother) quite well.

In just the short week he has been alive, he is already showing some developments - tracking objects with his eyes as they move in front on him, lifting his head (and sometimes headbutting your shoulder), and pushing with his feet.  He is very squirmy and likes to suck on his hands.  We may have another thumb sucker on our hands if he can coordinate getting a thumb into his mouth.

Having the Muzzey grandparents here to watch Brady and help us acclimate to life at home with a newborn was again a tremendous help.  Baby Parker loved being held and snuggled by his grandmas.  Brady had a blast with all the Muzzey grandparents going for walks to the park, playing trains and blocks, and snuggling up watching movies.  And Mom and Dad were super appreciative of the help cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, you name it.  All in all our little family was very spoiled.  It was also nice having the Grandmas here for Mother's Day - think all of us would agree that Parker's arrival, and spending time with the grandsons was a great way to enjoy Mother's Day.

For us the experience of having a second child seems to be easier than having a first - we know how to take care of a newborn, we are used to interrupted sleep (when Brady is sick), and we have all the baby gear we need.  Now it's just a matter of finding a good routine that works for us and both kids.  We had forgotten how simple the needs of a newborn are compared to a toddler (at least so far), and how small and light they are!  We love our little family and look forward to all the joys two little boys growing up together will bring.

Our little family grows by 1

Brady meeting Parker for the 1st time

Leaving the hospital

1st ride in the car seat - in the going home outfit Brady picked out for him (sharks...chomp)

Grandma Reggie and Baby Parker

 Grandma Reggie enjoying time with her Grandsons

 Grandpa Bob and Grandma Terry with the boys

The best presents a girl could have for Mother's Day - Brady (2 yr), Parker (1 wk)

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