Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 3 with Parker

Parker is growing fast.  In his week by week photos you can already see his skin losing the redness as the baby fat fills in and he gets more of that golden baby glow.  His movements are still jerky and uncoordinated, and his fists clenched, but he'll follow you with his eyes and his legs get stronger with every push.  He's still sleeping well, sleeping 5.5 hrs last night uninterrupted.  We try to keep him awake for a period of time at night before bed to help him acclimate with sleeping through the night.  He still has some reflux and Mom will hold him upright 10-20 min after feedings to help.  He's getting longer, making it harder for Mommy to hold him up against her when she's sitting, but he can still fold into his newborn pose and be Mommy's "squishy" (reference from the movie Nemo).  Parker still eats about every 3 hrs, poops afterward, and falls asleep.  Since he is being nursed his poops are yellow mustard, soft, with only a light smell.  And with all the noise in our house, and his loud older brother, Parker is sleeping through it all sleeping about 20 hrs/day.

Seemed Brady had the biggest developments this week.  First he fell out of his crib one morning.  We were asleep so not sure exactly what happened but he has been jumping on the mattress and pillows, and climbing on the crib bumper.  We took one pillow and the crib bumper out.  Second he decided he doesn't want to nap after lunch despite having this routine for the last couple of years.  He gets into his crib and plays and plays, then calls for Daddy to come play with him.  Mommy tried to coax him to sleep in his play yard in the other room instead, but he managed to climb out when Mommy went to tend to Parker.  When Daddy came in from mowing Mommy was trying to nurse Parker as Brady was jumping and dancing on the guest bed.  After watching some TV, Daddy was able to coax Brady to sleep on the floor under his blanket - just another day in our crazy family!  Hoping with Brady back in school he'll get back into a nap routine, otherwise we may have issues when we go to NH/Maine next month.  Also started thinking about setting him up with a toddler bed.  Brady still shows no real interest in using the potty.  Daddy tries and tries to get him to go poop in the potty, especially before his nap (or it'll wake him up prematurely), but Brady just wants to play.  After changing Parker's newborn diapers, changing Brady's size 4s seem like parachutes.  And Brady's are much more stinky but easier to change.

This was our first week solo without any of the family around to help.  With our second child seems overall we have acclimated quicker.  We've gone out to dinner with both kids, gone to a movie, and taken them on walks to the park.  Mom started driving again this week making a few trips out and one with Parker to the grocery store.  Daddy went back to work.  Since he was on paternal leave his work network access was deactivated so it's taking some time for him to get back online, not that he's in any hurry.  Mommy enjoyed her first day home with just Parker, it was restful and quiet.

It was Memorial Day this past weekend - as always, our fallen friends and their families are in our thoughts and in our hearts.  Gone but not forgotten...

Parker 3 weeks old - starting to grow some peach fuzz on his bald head

In these 3 photos, can you tell Parker and Brady are related?  Lol

Mom and her "squishy"

Two year olds randomly take off their clothes, and cook in the living room 

Growing a black bean beard 

Finally down for a nap

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 2 with Parker home

As newborns typically do, Parker slept a lot this second week of his life.  He would sleep up to 20-22 hours/day.  When he was awake, he continued lifting his head and pushing with his feet.  He also started rolling over to one side (we found him this way 3x) and appears to be focusing better on faces and objects in front of him.  His vision distance also seems to be improving and he loves staring at our NH White Mtns picture just like big brother Brady did as a baby.  Unlike Brady, Parker seems to enjoy baths (and Mom is much better at giving them) and he enjoys tummy time more especially if he can get his fingers in his mouth to suck on.  He does appear to have reflux more than Brady and we just have to keep him upright after feedings to minimize coughing, hiccups, and the occasional spit up.  On day 8 he lost his plastibell ring, and on day 14 lost his umbilical cord stump.

At his 2 week doctor appointment he got to meet his Pediatrician and weighed in at 7 lb 12.5oz (25%), 20.5 inches long (50%), and 36cm head circumference (15%).  Since he was now over his birth weight we could let him sleep through the night and not wake him to feed him.  Regardless he still seems to like to eat at least 2x/night with an occasional cluster feeding between 3 and 5am (yawn).  We also took him for his second newborn screening where they prick his heel and take 5 samples of blood for analysis (we didn't do this for Brady).  We get the results at his 1 month checkup.  All signs point to him being a happy healthy baby boy! 

The Seminara grandparents were in town this week and both Parker and Brady got lots of play time and snuggles.  Grandpa Dave and Brady played outside playing baseball, trucks, and Brady got pulled around in the wagon.  Grandpa Dave also helped Dad complete some of his outdoor projects.  Grandma Nancy snuggled Parker a lot, and helped Mom around the house.  We also went to the Botanical Gardens, and out a few nights for dinner where Brady got to see trains, motorcycles, boats, ducks, and fish.  This kept our very active toddler occupied.
Parker - 10 days old

Brotherly love

Parker at his 2 week checkup

 The Seminara grandparents and the boys

3 generations 

Our little busy family

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 1 with Parker home

Similar to Brady's arrival, Parker waited for his grandparents to arrive before being born.  This time Grandpa Bob was the good luck charm and Parker was born that evening after Grandpa arrived.

Since Mom and Parker were doing so well after delivery, we were able to be discharged 1 day early from the hospital.  This was good for the L&D ward as they had so many mother's delivering that week they were overflowing.  When we left the hospital Parker weighed 7 lbs 4 oz, dropping 5 oz.  Once home, we had a follow up visit to introduce Parker to the pediatrician and he weighed 7 lbs 3.5 oz warranting a follow up visit later in the week.  At the follow up he weighed 7 lbs 4.5 oz showing he was gaining weight and a healthy baby boy.

Parker is a great eater, sleeper, and pooper.  He eats, sleeps, poops....and repeats.  He seems to be a fairly mellow baby being satisfied if all his basic needs are met.  And he seems to be adjusting to life with the family (and a noisy 2 yr old brother) quite well.

In just the short week he has been alive, he is already showing some developments - tracking objects with his eyes as they move in front on him, lifting his head (and sometimes headbutting your shoulder), and pushing with his feet.  He is very squirmy and likes to suck on his hands.  We may have another thumb sucker on our hands if he can coordinate getting a thumb into his mouth.

Having the Muzzey grandparents here to watch Brady and help us acclimate to life at home with a newborn was again a tremendous help.  Baby Parker loved being held and snuggled by his grandmas.  Brady had a blast with all the Muzzey grandparents going for walks to the park, playing trains and blocks, and snuggling up watching movies.  And Mom and Dad were super appreciative of the help cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, you name it.  All in all our little family was very spoiled.  It was also nice having the Grandmas here for Mother's Day - think all of us would agree that Parker's arrival, and spending time with the grandsons was a great way to enjoy Mother's Day.

For us the experience of having a second child seems to be easier than having a first - we know how to take care of a newborn, we are used to interrupted sleep (when Brady is sick), and we have all the baby gear we need.  Now it's just a matter of finding a good routine that works for us and both kids.  We had forgotten how simple the needs of a newborn are compared to a toddler (at least so far), and how small and light they are!  We love our little family and look forward to all the joys two little boys growing up together will bring.

Our little family grows by 1

Brady meeting Parker for the 1st time

Leaving the hospital

1st ride in the car seat - in the going home outfit Brady picked out for him (sharks...chomp)

Grandma Reggie and Baby Parker

 Grandma Reggie enjoying time with her Grandsons

 Grandpa Bob and Grandma Terry with the boys

The best presents a girl could have for Mother's Day - Brady (2 yr), Parker (1 wk)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome Baby Parker!!!

Parents Again!
We welcome to the world Parker Jackson Seminara born 5/6/14 at 10:40pm weighing 7 lbs 9 oz and measuring 20" long.  Parker was born almost 1 lb heavier than Brady and with much less and what looks to be blonder hair.  He also seems to have Mom's complexion with fairer skin.  Parker was born after 5 days of nightly contractions and while Mom and Dad had hoped for a VBAC, at the very end Parker was delivered by c-section.  Both Mom and Parker are doing well and we just love the latest addition to our family!