Friday, April 4, 2014

Thomas the Train & Play Date

Brady has gotten big into trains - he'll line up boxes and sit on them saying "choo-choo" or he'll build trains out of legos and drag them around.  What better way to get him on a real train than the Grapevine Vintage Railroad.  And it just so happened last weekend they had Thomas the Train.

After an afternoon at the tracks and playing outside, we met Keira and her parents for dinner.  Despite both kids being exhausted off short naps, they had a blast playing together singing songs at dinner, smiling and chattering back and forth (they have their own language), and mimicking one another.  Outside the restaurant they had potted flowers.  You're not supposed to pick them, but it was really cute seeing Brady pick one to give to Keira.  They have so much fun together, when we left Brady was asking for "More Keira?"

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