Monday, April 21, 2014

Brady's 2 Year Old Checkup

Today Brady had his 2 year old checkup - he weighed in a 26.8 lbs (25th percentile), 34 1/2" tall (50th percentile), and 48 1/2 cm head circumference (50th percentile).  Other than weigh maybe he won't be a munchkin like his Mommy!  The doctor was very impressed with his vocal and communication skills.  Brady was telling her about a toy helicopter in the play area - when she asked where it flew he said in the sky.  He definitely understands what you're telling or asking him, and for the most part you can understand his responses.  His left ear tube has been out for some time, but his right tube is still in, so for the last month we haven't been using ear plugs during baths.  Also the doctor noticed his lower left molar has broken through, and his lower right molar is about to break through.  His upper two molars are still not present.  These four molars break between ages 2 and 3, so Brady's already ahead of the game!  He was in a good mood until he got his Hep A shot in his leg, but Daddy was there to comfort him.  Next checkup is at age 3, and lucky for Brady there are no vaccinations on that checkup.

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