Sunday, January 5, 2014

Holidays 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a wonderful Christmas, starting with Brady helping us pick out the tree.  Santa (and family) were very good to Brady giving him lots of new toys and things to play with.  This was Brady's second Christmas, so he understood things a little better and was able to unwrap presents on his own.  He also enjoyed going through the stocking from Santa.

Pick this one Mommy

Our family - Christmas 2013

Santa came!

 A farm from the Seminara Grandparents

An easel from Grandma Reggie and Jeff 

A train from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Terry

Stylin' in his new Elmo backpack

Checking out all the loot in his stocking

Christmas night we flew to Boston and spent the next week with the Muzzey family enjoying good times, good food, and good snow.  We stayed with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Terry, but got to see Grandma Reggie and Jeff, the Uncles (Erik, Chris, and Paul), as well as some of our extended family.  We enjoyed our second Christmas with the Muzzey family, with Brady getting all sorts of cool things to play with and the family having fun with the Christmas Yankee swap.  The rest of the week we made the most of the snow.  Dad and the Uncles skied fresh powder at Sunapee while Brady enjoyed sledding and building a snowman with Grandpa.

 Thank you Uncle Paul for helping me open my presents

Opening one of his own presents

 Playing legos with the Grandparents

Getting some help from Uncle Chris too

Jumping with Uncle Erik and Uncle Chris

Reading with Grandma Reggie

Enjoying some cards against humanity

Grandpa helping build a snowman

Brady decorating the snowman

Learning some good life skills haha

Having a blast in the snow

Sledding with Daddy, wheeee!

 Love this snow stuff

 Grandpa pulling Brady in the sled

No time for pictures, must play in the snow!

Happy holidays everyone

We also made it up to Rumney NH to see some of the extended family including Mom's cousin Angela and Aunt Rose.  Angela and her family live in the Jaquith grandparents old house and did an amazing job with the renovation from the kitchen, porch, and rebuilding the back of the house from a shed to an office and storage.  It looks great!  Next we stopped at Aunt Roses to see Great-Grandma, Rose, Uncle Skip, Aunt Diane, and Grandma Reggie and Jeff.  Uncle Skip and Brady had a great time playing together throwing balls, playing in the kiddie tent, and exploring the upstairs.  Brady was so wiped out after all this playing he barely ate dinner before he fell asleep for the night.

Brady (20 mos), Mommy, Pepper (21 mos), and Cousin Angela

Great-Grandma (90 yrs young), Mommy and Brady

Mom and Dad enjoyed an early New Years parents only getaway to the Mount Washington Hotel in northern NH.  This is a 112 year old hotel, and with 8" of fresh powder the hotel and scenery were amazing!  We did it up going on a sleigh ride, eating at the historic main dining room, and enjoying some nonalcoholic libations in some of the other historic rooms of the hotel.

 The majestic Mount Washington Hotel built in 1902

The lobby decorated for the holidays

The clouds cleared and the old man showed his face

The hotel after dark

Mom and Dad in front of the range

Brady stayed with the grandparents but Dos (#2) got to enjoy the hotel

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