Monday, January 27, 2014

Growing Up - Our Little Boy

This month Brady transitioned to the next room up, the Early Preschool I room.  Preschool?!?!  Would somebody please slow down time.  Without warning Brady has become a little boy, at 21 months old he's full of wants and needs and lots of energy.  His communication skills are improving - what was once one word sentences has now become 2 or 3 words.  Guess he hears us talking to Indy, because we get a lot of "Mommy/Daddy come" or "Mommy/Daddy sit".  And when he goes up to bed, he likes to say bye to everything like "Bye balloon", "Bye tent", "Bye tiger", etc.  He likes his movies, recently preferring Nemo or Lion King to Cars (finally, not sure how many more times we could watch Cars), but we try to limit TV/cartoons to lazy weekend mornings or when Mom and Dad need time to do chores.

His sense of independence is growing.  Now that he's a big a boy he has his own tent, chair, and TV.  Sounds like a typical man.  He enjoys playing in his tent inviting Mom, Dad, or Indy in to join him.  Instead of sliced apples, he prefers to eat whole apples (with supervision).  His legs were getting so long we turned his car seat around so he now faces forward.  He loved it the first day, saying "Wow" at all the new things he could see.  He can open doors with lever style handles, but not knobs just yet.  And he loves playing outside and with sticks (he must get this from Grandma Reggie).  He's such a good boy, always sharing his sticks with you, and he loves to scrape them and play in the dirt.  The outdoors is such a big adventurous place for him, he never wants to come inside.  Good habits take practice, and we always wash our hands when we come in.  With lots of wants, and limited communication skills, no toddler is exempt from tantrums.  We find we have less tantrums if we give him choices instead of telling him what he can or can't have, no different than any adult.

Getting excited for spring time here in Texas to take Brady back to the zoo or spend more time playing at the park.  Soon enough we'll be planning a 2 yr old birthday party.

EPS I Daily Schedule

Chillaxin' in his new chair

 Eating an apple like a big boy

 There was a football on top of that cupcake - where it'd go?

Yum a lemon

First day in the forward facing car seat = lots of smiles!

 The new tent

 A toddler bachelor pad in the making

Mommy came home from a business trip to be greeted by this smile = Love!

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