Saturday, November 12, 2016

Parker's 2.5 Year Checkup

Parker had his 2.5 year check up yesterday.  He weighed in at 24.8 lbs (4%) and 34.25 inches (13%), gaining 2 lbs and 3 inches in 6 months.  We could tell he was getting taller because he has moved to his 2T pajamas and shirts although his legs are still short and we have to roll his pants so he doesn't run out of them haha.  He was such a great little boy at his checkup, he didn't even cry when he got his flu shot.  Daddy rewarded him with a trip to get some ice cream which he loved.

This morning when Mommy woke him up we asked him who his best friend was at school.  After thinking about it he said Megan his teacher.  When we asked which kid is his best friend he said Brady.  When we asked which kid in his class he said Caleb and Tyler.  So cute to see his love for his teachers, brother, and friends!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016

For Halloween this year Brady picked the "blue one" teenage mutant ninja turtle costume (Leonardo).  That worked well for us since we could pick another turtle for Parker's costume.  In the end we picked Michelangelo for Parker for his happy go lucky personality.  The Halloween festivities began with the annual party at daycare.  Brady was all into his costume and ready to go, but Parker being two years old, had a different opinion and wouldn't let us put on his costume until we were in the daycare parking lot.  But once Parker had his costume on he was all into being a ninja turtle and the school party.  The daycare did a nice job too with the pumpkin decorating contest, cookie decorating, dance room, and guessing the slimy substances.  The boys ran around with their friends Sam and Issac, who are the same ages, and had a good time.

Next came Halloween weekend.  This year a new thing for kids was "trunk or treat" which works really well for little kids because it's run by churches or schools mid day so they don't have to walk house to house at night and get bored or freeze.  We went to the Cornerstone Congregational Church in Westford for their trunk or treat.  Different church members decorated the trunks of their cars and put out games for the kids to play.  The kids would play the game then get to pick a piece of candy.  Some of the games were cornhole, archer, pin the banana on the tree, etc.  They also had face painting.  While it was small, the boys had fun, and were able to get some candy.  Brady had fun this year learning about the different types of candy and what they taste like.  So far they're all his favorite haha.  Grandpa Bob came down and he and Grandma Reggie had just as much fun as the boys.

That night we took the boys to the Heart Pond pumpkin armada where we lighted and put on floats two of our pumpkins.  Daddy did a great job carving 4 pumpkins for us this year.  We put two of the smaller ones on the floats.  It was really nice seeing all the different carvings by the town people and see it all aglow on the water.  Speaking of pumpkins, this year the Rise of the Jack-O-Lanterns opened in Boston and we met Uncle Kevin, Aunt Val, and baby Nolan in the city to see all the pumpkins.  It was amazing!  Must have taken a ton of artisans and pumpkins to put it all together.  It was hosted at the Seaport and once inside they had a huge room filled with all different carved pumpkins including some put together to create symbols or animals.  Some used regular pumpkins and some used gourds.  The most elaborate carvings were peeled into the skin of the pumpkin, not cut in.  The boys weren't that into it, they were more happy dancing in the dark, but it was cool for the grown ups.  Baby Nolan preferred to get a little shut eye.

Halloween night fell on a Monday this year, and since the boys had a big Halloween weekend, we kept it low key.  Daddy was on a business trip, so Grandma Reggie and Mom took the boys just to the neighbors houses.  We don't get many trick or treaters on our quiet street so it was nice for the neighbors to see some kids.

Overall the boys had a great Halloween, cowabunga dudes!

Daycare Halloween Party and Mommy's Painted Pumpkin (we didn't win)

Fun at Trunk or Treat at the Cornerstone Congregational Church

Rise of the Jack-o-Lanterns

Carving pumpkins

Trick or Treating at the Neighbors