Monday, December 7, 2015

Parker's 18 month Checkup & Eating Specialist

Parker had his 18 month checkup a couple weeks ago - his height was 30 inches (1%), weight 19.6 lbs (3%), and weight/length ratio 14%.  Yes, he's still a little peanut.  By this age Brady was in the 25th percentile so looks like Parker will be a little smaller unless he hits a major growth spurt.  Regardless of height and weight, he has moved up into his 12-18 or 18 month clothes with his 12 month clothes fitting too small or giving him the flood pants look.  At this visit the doctor recommended we see an eating specialist to verify nothing was wrong with Parker's system.  Developmentally he seems to be doing well with his expanding vocabulary and love for cause/effect playing (stack blocks, knock them down, repeat).  He also got his flu shot and a second shot for Hep A.  His words continue to get more clear and he can say Mommy, Daddy, Brady, doggie, up, please, yes/no (with head shake), mine, big ball, milk, wow (with big surprise face), baseball, and football.  The cutest is his name Parker (like Pa-Ka), pizza (pee-ta), and his teachers names Icky (Vicky) and Isa (Lisa).  In addition to words he does great animals sounds roaring like a bear, meowing like a cat, or panting like a dog.  If he's not talking or making animal sounds, he's making airplane sounds (chewwwww) or honking like a big truck.  He loves to repeat words you say as he continues to practice his talking.

Daddy and Parker went down to Boston to visit the eating specialist, which actually turned out to be several specialists.  Parker and Daddy walked into a room with 7 people. Each person had a different role to observe and ask questions about Parker's eating habits. Daddy brought some crackers, milk, juice and squeezey packs for Parker to eat and drink during the visit. After the doctors witnessed how Parker was doing, they felt he had the eating thing down and made a few suggestions for his diet. They suggested to try and limit milk to 24 oz a day and not offer juice because it provides empty calories. They felt his weight was good for his height but there was some concern about his height. If there is still a concern about his height as he gets older they suggested we visit them again. All in all it was a pleasant experience, the doctors were really nice and Parker really soaked up the attention.

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