Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Brady's Major Accomplishment - Potty Trained

Someone had BIG news to report this weekend - Brady is potty trained!!!  After months of practicing peeing and pooping on the potty at home, and the diligence of his teachers at the Children's Courtyard (TX) and continued efforts at NGCC (MA), Brady finally has the self awareness to go on the potty.  All we needed was one uneventful weekend to put it all together (which we haven't had much of lately).  This weekend it was freezing rain and cold, what better time to give underwear a try.  He's been doing great peeing on the potty, not too interested in pooping, but after one first accident peeing in his big boy underwear he was motivated.  He won't tell you he has to pee, but when we take him he will go (otherwise he gets busy playing and oops).  He will tell you when he has to go poopy, probably doesn't hurt knowing he gets to watch the iPad while he poops.

He carried his success from the weekend over to school, spending his first day at daycare dry in his underwear - our little man is so grown up!  What a great accomplishment for him, and another big step in growing up.

And while Brady was mastering his new skill, Parker's 3rd tooth broke this weekend (upper front left).  We're sure tooth number 4 is not far behind.  Congrats to both our boys!

It's so cute, we couldn't resist

Celebratory lollipop

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