Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Parker's 9 Month Checkup

Parker had his 9 month checkup today - he weighed in at 15.562 lbs (2%), 26 inches long (0%), and 17.5 cm head circumference (25%).  Another Seminara peanut in the family!  This was his first well visit at the new pediatrician and he did great.  She was very impressed with how mobile he is including crawling, pulling himself up, and going between two stationary objects.  He also does great getting down.  Parker was all smiles studying the animals on the wall, watching twinkle twinkle on mommy's phone, and chewing on a tongue depressor.  That was until he got his 1 shot (Hep B), but even that was short lived, and he was distracted and smiling again at the phone.  The doctor did remind us that ticks are a big problem in this area and come spring when the boys play outside we need to check them every night.  As long as you get them off within 48 hrs your chances are slim of getting Lyme's disease (phew!).

Parker goes back for the next round of vaccinations at one year old.  We also made an appointment for Brady as the state requires they get checked for lead 1x/year until the age of 5.  Geeze, where did we move to? Haha.

Waiting patiently to see the doctor

A quick lunch with Mom and Dad

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