Sunday, February 22, 2015

Parker 40, 41 Weeks

Home again although brief, Mommy has had to travel 4x in 5 weeks plus a weekend escape for our 10th anniversary.  Can't wait to close on the house next week, move in, and stay put!  The boys got a special treat getting to spend time with the Seminara Grandparents who came to help Daddy around the house while Mommy is away.  This makes long work days and life in a cramped apartment easier on Daddy.

Dinner with Keira and Michelle on quick visit to TX

Parker is doing wonderful, he's so curious and active crawling around or walking along objects with an insatiable desire to check stuff out.  New the last two weeks is his ability to sit unassisted on his knees.  He usually does this in the bath tub playing with the faucet or getting down from an object while watching big brother run around.  He's also getting brave holding on one handed while standing.  Can't believe he'll be walking soon!  One of his new favorite things to do is play cars or legos, he's obviously been watching big brother.  Parker will actually drive a car on the floor just like a big kid.  And what a smile, this kid gives everyone the biggest heartwarming smiles, he is just awesome!

Brady is getting smarter everyday.  This week in school they had a special visitor, a nurse, who taught them about parts of the body.  He learned about muscles, got to hear his heart beat, and watch the nurse check reflexes.  It was also valentine's day in the daycare with Brady making a special card for Mom and Dad and giving and receiving special valentines from his friends (including spiderman tattoos).  The boys also got special valentine's cards from their grandparents, including stickers, what lucky kids!

Cars, legos, and two very happy boys!

Valentine's Day at the daycare

Mommy's Valentines (Parker in a milk coma haha)

What a journey it has been the last 10 years - from getting married on a ski slope, to living in TX, to having two kids, plus 3 furry kids - it has been incredible and we are so fortunate to have our family and friends, we couldn't do it without you!  Here's the next 10 years!!!

 A chilly (-10 deg) Valentine's Day on the slopes, but enjoying the 4.5+ ft of snow

Look who has her own restaurant - our wedding coordinator!

Back where it all began 10 short years ago

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Parker's 9 Month Checkup

Parker had his 9 month checkup today - he weighed in at 15.562 lbs (2%), 26 inches long (0%), and 17.5 cm head circumference (25%).  Another Seminara peanut in the family!  This was his first well visit at the new pediatrician and he did great.  She was very impressed with how mobile he is including crawling, pulling himself up, and going between two stationary objects.  He also does great getting down.  Parker was all smiles studying the animals on the wall, watching twinkle twinkle on mommy's phone, and chewing on a tongue depressor.  That was until he got his 1 shot (Hep B), but even that was short lived, and he was distracted and smiling again at the phone.  The doctor did remind us that ticks are a big problem in this area and come spring when the boys play outside we need to check them every night.  As long as you get them off within 48 hrs your chances are slim of getting Lyme's disease (phew!).

Parker goes back for the next round of vaccinations at one year old.  We also made an appointment for Brady as the state requires they get checked for lead 1x/year until the age of 5.  Geeze, where did we move to? Haha.

Waiting patiently to see the doctor

A quick lunch with Mom and Dad

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Parker - 37, 38, 39 Weeks

Mommy had to travel 2 of the last 3 weeks leaving Daddy to take care of the boys and pets from the apartment.  Thankfully now that we're near family the Muzzey Grandparents were gracious enough to take Parker for those two trips to make things a little more manageable for Daddy with walking the dog and watching Brady.  Parker had a blast too getting lots of play time with Grandpa Bob and Grammie Terry.  He's already doing more with his hands and plays games sticking out his tongue.  They also reported that he smiles in his sleep :)

Parker enjoying some time with Grammie and Grandpa

Engineering visit aboard the USS John C Stennis

At 38 weeks Parker's second tooth made an appearance giving him that little chipmunk smile.  He also turned 9 months old on Friday and to celebrate he now freely cruises around the apartment on the walkers and shows tremendous control getting down from standing (not just falling).  He does still take a tumble now and then despite our efforts.  Today while playing with a box Brady left behind it caved in and Parker tumbled hitting his head on Brady's fire truck and getting a little cut just above his ear.  Brady cried more than Parker did.  And talking has really picked up these last couple of weeks, with Parker making all kinds of ahhhs and gahhhs.  Parker continues to fill out.  He has such a chubby booty and a little baby cellulite, we don't remember Brady being this stout at this age!  Parker eats really well, with 6 formula bottles a day (4-6oz each) and 3 jars of baby food, plus some finger food like O's or small cut up pieces of veggies or fruit.  He's napping less now, 2x a day for 1.5-2 hr each and pooping 2x a day (sticky or clay mask).  We're still working on getting him to sleep through the night as he still wakes 1-2x a night.  Now that Mommy is back from travel we'll resume sleep training.  He goes in for his 9 month check up later this week.

Cruising through the apartment

Enjoying the snow

Over the last 2 weeks we have gotten a little over 3ft of snow, and Brady just LOVES it!  We got the boys out in the sled for some cruising around the apartment complex.  Brady practiced making snowballs, sledding, and loved watching the snow plows and bucket loaders clear the parking lot.  We also got him on skis for the first time at the local ski mountain Nashoba Valley.  It was great way to spend a snowy Friday afternoon without crowds for <$100, we'll definitely have to try it again.  Brady did good too, managing to walk in his ski boots and skis, but preferred Mommy to hold him up when skiing down the mountain (an arm workout for Mom).  And after we got all the fresh powder, Brady was helping Daddy clear the truck and jumped off into a snow bank - it was over his head!  Daddy caught it on video (Brady is now famous on YouTube -  Once he got the snow off his face, Daddy reported that he wanted to jump back in.  Brady is so funny with Parker, on a couple occasions we have woken up to hear him on the monitor giggling with Parker in Parker's crib.  He's such a little climber!  He does love his brother, always talking to him in baby talk, patting his head or hugging him, and dancing around him.  Parker just watches with amazement and his signature smile.


First time on skis at Nashoba Valley, MA (kept wanting to go up the "big hill")

Enjoying some morning play time with brother

Some days it's a little brisk and windy to take the boys outside so today we made the trip into Boston to check out the New England Aquarium - it is so awesome!  The penguin exhibit was in full swing along with the giant fish tank full of turtles and the occasional scuba diver.  Brady also got to learn about lobster and touch both a baby lobster and a star fish.  The boys loved it!

New England Aquarium, Boston MA

Mom is looking forward to a week home before having to travel again for another 2 weeks.  We also close on the new house end of the month - can't wait to be out of the apartment and in our own place!!!