Sunday, January 4, 2015

Parker 32, 33, 34 Weeks - Lots of Changes!

Leaps and bounds best describes the last 3 weeks.  Prior to leaving Texas Parker was still a baby getting the hang of crawling.  Now he has 1 tooth (bottom front left) which broke our first day in Mass, he sits unsupported regularly, he is pulling up to stand on everything (and sometimes toppling over), and walking when holding Mom or Dad's hands.  What changes in only 3 weeks!  He is also eating a lot more, with 3 5oz bottles at daycare, plus fruit mixed with oatmeal for breakfast, and a veggie for lunch.  He will still nurse morning and night and eat another jar of baby food with meat for dinner.  We also introduced finger foods starting with sliced bananas and blueberries (slippery), Cherrios (a staple), and cooked small pieces of broccoli or carrots.  We also tried giving him a 50/50 mix of juice and water in a sippy cup, but he seemed more interested in chewing on it than drinking it (oh teething...).  With all this eating he is really starting to fill out moving into his 6-9 month or 9 month clothes.  And with the standing, we had to move his crib down to the lowest setting.  He'll be walking and chasing after big brother soon!  Parker's personality is starting to show - he prefers solids to milk (unlike Brady), he loves to explore and climb, and he's pretty happy and smiley but when he gets fussy he wants his momma.  He also hates diaper changes or getting dressed/undressed as it prevents him from being out exploring.  And while he got a lot of baby toys for Christmas, he seems to prefer playing with big brother's toys or turning on/off the XBOX (liking IT already?).  With the drop ship delivering the crib, we are back to sleep training to get him on a regular nightly sleep schedule and give mom and dad some sleep (he was waking 2-3x/night).

1st standing on his own 

Proud of himself!

 Yummy Cherrios!

 Time to move the crib down to the lowest setting

 Getting ready to walk

Sippy cup...or teether?

Brady has taken really well to the relocation.  He drinks most of his hot milk morning and night, eats his breakfast and lunch well, still struggles with us to eat dinner, and "negotiates" going for a bath and bed but then sleeps a full ~11 hrs / night just like he did in TX.  We moved Parker into Brady's room while we're squeezed for space in the apartment, and Brady sleeps through Parker's crying and sleep training.  As for naps, he does really well at school but struggles at home and on weekends just like he did in TX.  It's also harder with the boys on different nap schedules, unless we are out and about in the car.  Brady did really well adjusting to his new daycare already taking to his new teachers and classmates (he's learning their names), and learned how to "flip" on his winter jacket.  With Parker we can add blankets to the car seat to keep him warm, but Brady has to wear his jacket, hat, and gloves making it a little harder to squeeze him into his car seat.  Brady is growing really well too, some of his 2T pants are getting a little short so we bought him a good supply of 3T pants and jeans that he can grow into.  He also moved into Size 5 diapers.  He does a great job of helping Mom and Dad sweep, throwing out his trash, feeding or walking Indy, and helping get things for Parker but he is 2 yr old and does have an occasional tantrum (don't take him house hunting with you without a movie for the phone).

Bundled up for the cold

 1st gingerbread house with Mom

 Playing firetrucks and cars with little brother

"Helping" at bath time

For us parents, the relocation has gone well.  Seems we only missed 1 box in the drop ship, and Mom's car has been delayed, but otherwise everything has showed up.  Living in an apartment again is good and bad - we like living with less, but it's an adjustment.  And our immediate neighbors and hallways can be noisy prompting Indy to stand guard.  Mom did meet another Mom who gave us an exersaucer and may meet up for future play dates.  House hunting has been a process, lots of variety but nothing we've loved and we've been adjusting to home prices (half a million for what?!?).  Hope to find something permanent soon.  With the move, 2 week break from work, and seeing family for the holidays we still feel like we're on vacation and haven't moved.  Maybe it'll sink in tomorrow when Dad starts the new job!

The local ski/tubing hill is open (Nashoba Valley)

Our "happy place"

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