Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weeks 5 & 6 with Parker

The big highlights these weeks were Dad's birthday and Father's Day.  Dad's birthday fell on "freaky Friday," a honey colored full moon Friday the 13th.  Next time this happens is the year 2098!  To celebrate his birthday we took the family to Medieval Times - what better way to celebrate with kids than a place that is loud, messy, and you eat with your hands?  Brady loved the "horseys" dancing to the music as they paraded through.  He also liked the joust and sword fighting and thankfully didn't bring any new tricks home with him.  Father's Day was much more laid back letting Daddy sleep in, get breakfast, take his new bike out for a ride, and playing with Brady in the back yard.  It was a great relaxing weekend.

Supporting our knight - the Green knight

Dancing as the horses march in

Taking out the new bike on Father's Day

Brady ready to ride

Enjoying some father-son time on a warm Texas day

Parker keeps growing.  He is getting heavier and longer, his cries and coos are getting louder, he's more alert and less sleepy in the day, less reflux, more aware of things going on around him, and quicker/smoother ability to track objects with his eyes.  He loves his big brother already, turning his head to look for Brady when he hears him come into a room.  Unlike Brady he seems more particular about where he sleeps preferring his co-sleeper, parents arms, or in the car.  He doesn't enjoy the swing waking easily after ~15 minutes.  We've tuned into his routine - diaper, feed, poop, play, sleep, repeat.  Now that we're more experienced parents we get his cues easily and are able to keep him happy.  He still has his cute newborn startle reflex throwing his arms out when he hears a loud noise.  He gets hiccups often which seem to come regularly after a big poop.  His facial expressions are getting more pronounced and varied, the best being all his smiles (some with his tongue out).  Love his soft peach fuzz head too!

 One of his looks - 'blue steel'

 Nice day for a walk to the park

Snuggling with Mom


More smiles!

Brady has been amazing this week, what an imagination!  It's so cool to see the world through someone else's eyes.  This week he pulled a Texas magnet off the fridge and flew it around the house like an airplane - the two points of Texas do kinda look like wings.  After filling the bird bath he ran to get his rubber ducky and put it in for a swim, why not?!  He used his pool noodle to blow through and make noises like an elephant after he rode it like a horse.  And he loves to build forts using pillows and the ottoman off the couch.  What a smart, fun, incredible kid!  He's also getting so good with his words.  He gave mom an empty can of soda and told her to be careful, dangerous (sharp edges).  And what a singer - he's great at reciting his ABCs during a bath time or singing nursery rhymes while jumping on the bed (even if monkeys jumping on the bed have ashes ashes we all fall down before row row row your boat).  Mom surprised him by picking him up at school with Parker, getting to show off his new little brother to his classmates and teachers.  

 Rubber ducky going for a swim

 Fixing his bubble gun

Playing with Mom

Helping Dad clean the truck

The 2014 men's soccer world cup started this week in Brazil with the top 30 teams from across the globe.  Parker and Mom have enjoyed watching the matches and learning the geography and culture of Brazil.  So far Netherlands and Germany look good, Spain and Portugal look awful, and the US beat Ghana (who had beaten us the last 2 world cups).  The action continues through mid-July.

  Go team USA!

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